Video Equipment Manuals

just added the manuals for the roland v5 video canvas that i saw shared on a facebook thread. i think @makejetz had to contact roland directly to get these back into circulation, so kudos to that.


If all goes well Magic DaVE should be arriving within the next couple days. It’s the Extended version, Model 8A. According to the seller it works and looks great save for a few small scratches. It’s been taken care of and comes complete with the ‘mainframe’, control surface and cable. I can only find the manual for the Model 8D which I’m hoping is enough to help me figure out it’s inner mysteries.

I’m hoping to do some demo videos of it’s capabilities. Apparently you can save created sequences to a floppy disk. I’m assuming I could make a buncha sequences, and then make the floppy image available for download to people who also have one.

There also seems to be some windows software that came with it… I’ve had no luck in finding that… ( anyone ? :slight_smile:

All of this assuming it’s survived about a 8,000 mile shipping journey. lol.

fingers crossed

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Congrats pilgrim * makes sign-of-the-dave *

I have the model 4A which has 1 x channel for effecting, but there are ways to make the interface let you use masks and chroma on 2 layers and a 3rd background - so maybe you can do this on 3 or 4 layers.

The interface is quite fiddly and confusing - here are my notes (otherwise I have to re-learn each time I turn it on!):

# Magic DaVE (4A) Quickstart

Blessed is DaVE.

# Intro

MENU button interchangeably acts as go-up one level or return to the last menu section you viewed (it's unclear when it will do either).

When the T-bar is moved watch what LEDs light up - it helps indicate what settings are being controlled.

Colors are measured in HSL (hue, saturation, lightness):

0 - 60 - 120 - 180 - 240 - 300

0% - 100%

The main joystick will control 3 parameters left-to-right in the menu system:

X AXIS = 1st parameter 
Y AXIS = 2nd parameter 
Z AXIS (TWIST) = 3rd parameter

The XYZ buttons reset parameters to defaults (but are occasionally odd, for example with Y scaling between NTSC and PAL).

When turned on the controller will try to connect to the mainframe, and should automatically, and flash a bit. If not, select the connection from the menu.

# Sources / Structure

On a 4A, there are three video layers:

3 DVE - top layer with keying + effects (DVE-F)
2 DSK - top layer with keying (DSK)
1 BKGD - raw bottom layer (BKGD-A)

NULL DVE-B - not used on a 4A
NULL BKGD-B - not used on a 4A

DVE and DSK can be swapped to be the uppermost layer using the TOP button (and the LED toggles between each button). 

DVE layer is where all the FX and majority of button menus do things. Any layer can be any video input, or an internal MATTE (colour) or PATTERN (gradients etc). 

BKGD will always be the bottomost layer. DVE and DSK can be interchanged as uppermost with TOP button. To test this out, luma key out both DVE and DSK (via LUMA button), to reveal BKGD-A below.

# Arranging Sources

KEY, PROGRAM and PRESET buttons are confusing because they don't act as individual source selectors. Instead:

DVE-F/DVE-B/DSK/BKGD-A/BKGD-B BUTTONS = select the layer that you will now change via KEY BUS buttons;
KEY BUS (yellow buttons) = selector for the source that's currently selected
PROGRAM (red buttons) = BKGD-A, and the bottom-most layer (when BKGD-A source is selected, you will also see PROGRAM changing to the same)
PRESET = presets, I guess

# T-Bar

T-Bar will control the 2nd parameter along in whatever menu you have up, unless you've pressed WIPE or MIX. When changing a menu parameter, WIPE and MIX are deselected and USER lights up. Selecting USER again will let make the T-Bar wipe that same parameter again - if DaVE allows it (DaVE is ).

BKGRND/DVE/DSK = puts it into next transition
CUT = instant cut between sources
REV = reverses WIPE or SEQUENCE (apparently)
STOP = stops any sequence running, or goes to beginning of sequence when stopped
TAKE = starts sequence, with time specified via Transition Control

NB: if you're trying to arrange 3 layers, then the T-Bar and these buttons will often "reset" settings around the assumption you're wiping two sources, and shunt settings into the submenus for the 3rd layer not being wiped. There's no indicator for any of this, so you'll lose orientation. Try n' feel it out (praise DaVE).

# Getting Complicated

You can created multi-layer wipe blended scenes, by keeping NEXT TRANSITION to DSK, then using the DVE to crop and mask.

EXT-KEY = define the wipe for the top layer DVE, in which case, you can;

Navigate to DVE > EXT-KEY > MASK and then press-and-hold USER-[N] to save the menu view. Now when you press the USER-[N] button the T-Bar will wipe the DVE. When you press the default WIPE button you will wipe the DSK - ie. TRIPLE LAYER WIPES c'est possible.

# External Keying

Not so clear - there are two multi-toggle options under EXT-KEY option. Mashing these around and the input on the isolated "KEY I/O" port on the mainframe will be used (but without any threshold parameters).

# Transition Select

1) SUPER = dissolve with a colour matte
2) MIX = normal dissolve wipe
3) WIPE = shape wipe
4) SEQUENCE = a preprogrammed sequence (see sequencing)
5) USER = whatever the current menu page is, or was
6) BLACK = black	

# DVE Control Group

All these are "quick-access" buttons to change parameters for the DVE top layer, and the same as having pressed MENU > START > MAIN;

1) MODEL = wipes like page turn, ripples etc
2) LIGHT = lighting effect
3) EFFECT = solarisation, polarisation, colour keying
4) SHADOW = shadows for MODELs, inc. trail-shadow...
5) BORDER = borders around wipe or layer rectangle
6) CROP = cropping the layer rectangle
7) TRAIL = only on some systems, doesn't work on mine
8) FREEZE = freeze frame

# DVE Transition Group

TRANSFORM = submenu for DVE
	REFLECT = use back and front image
	INPUT = position of input, before;
	PRE = position of image, before;
	MAIN (aka POSITION) = position of DVE, before;
	OUTPUT = position of entire output
POSITION (aka TRANSFORM -> MAIN) = position (4 options)
ANGLE = main angle (3 options)
AXIS = main axis (3 options)
SPIN = main spin (3 options)
SIZE = can be accessed by pressing TRANSFORM twice; use to resize from PAL or NTSE (2 options)

# Wipe / Sequence / Alpha Controls

There are 24 buttons with pictures of wipes on them; these are also used to select sequences (SEQUENCE) or letters (ALPHA).

WIPE = enable selecting a wipe from the 24
SEQUENCE = enable selecting a sequence form the 24
ALPHA = enable selecting a big letter from the alphabet (uhhh)

USER 1/2/3/4 = press + hold to store a wipe here, press once to recall

# Sequencing

The 4A can store 24 "sequences" in RAM, made up of many "shots" (configurations of local settings, from Transform Groups), then assigned to the T-Bar, or played back via TAKE.

ENABLE = when flashing, you are in edit mode
INSERT = adds current settings as new shot
PREVIOUS = loads previous shot, or previous sequence
CURRENT = reloads shot, or reloads sequence
NEXT = loads next shot, or next sequence
DELETE = deletes current shot
UNDO = undoes last action (max 100)
MODIFY = sets shot to current local settings (ie. SET)
	-> HERE <- = only save to current shot
	<- MODIFY = also save to preceding shots
	MODIFY -> = also save to proceeding shots
	<- ALL -> = also save to all other shots
	PROPERTIES = edits encompassing sequence settings

In editing mode, time is related to the shot, in sequence mode, to the sequence time.

# System Buttons

SETUP = internal system settings
DISK = internal storage settings
FILE = internal EPROM settings
ABOUT = firmware version, model etc

USER 1/2/3/4 = press+hold to store the current menu view, so that it can be recalled

# Keypad Group

NUMERICAL KEYS = type in numbers
DELETE = acts as backspace, not delete
ESC = acts as delete / undo
ENTER = numbers must match exact decimal places to be entered (ie. 1.000 => 0.120, and not 0.12)
CURSOR = enables "preview output cursor"? no idea.

# Misc Controls

SNAP = snaps parameters to power of 2
MAGIC = "reserved for future use" 🛸
NORMAL = resets different controls
	ONE-PRESS = reset current controls
	TWO-PRESSES = opens menu to select resetting all controls (Internal and External)
	THREE-PRESSES = reset everything (aka: fuck-it)

SAVE = save current sequences
	ONE-PRESS = bring up menu
	TWO-PRESSES = "allows DMEM to be saved"
	THREE-PRESSES = will actually save
RECALL = same as above, but recalling sequences
CANCEL = cancel
OK = enter key

# Whole Menu

You can navigate the entire system, via the MENU button, where the physical interface acts as a submenu quick-select. 

		MODELS = goes to top-level MODELS menu (DVE only)
		TRANSFORM = goes to top-level TRANSFORM menu (DVE only)
		EFFECTS = goes to top-level EFFECTS menu (DVE only)
		WIPES = goes to generic WIPES menu
		SOURCES* = select "KEY-BUS" source via menu, allows you to view cool test patterns and shapes
		FREEZE = goes to FREEZE menu (DVE only)
		TRAIL = goes to TRAIL menu (DVE only)
		CHANNEL = goes to CHANNEL menu (different mainframes)
		SEQCACHE = akin to SEQUENCE buttons (recall, save etc)
		SEQCTRL* = granular control of sequences

* = menus that aren't available by one of the front panel buttons

Also just added this to the videomanuals as

The “reserved for future use” Magic button is the one that if you press-and-hold down while saying “Dave” backwards 5 times auto-generates an artwork :stuck_out_tongue:

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did that V5 manual ever get uploaded? Not seeing it in the Edirol/Roland section.

it’s under Resources > Roland > V5 video canvas

or direct link:


I realised my original DropBox link had failed (mostly due to my switching to Google Drive). All reuploaded and edited original link.


Never talk about what youre about to get before you get it. UPS lost this package from france and i was out $800 and more/less was ghosted by UPS. :expressionless: