Who's on mastodon?

Thanks! So much to learn!

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Both Toot! and Metatext on iOS support this feature. If you want to look at a little selection of recent posts by an instance on a desktop browser there is Unmung, tho its a bit barebones. I think there are other apps that support this feature but I can’t think of them at the moment.


Thanks again! Will see if there’s something for android that supports this

I just came across this new project to list “creators” using the fediverse (Peertube! Mastodon! Etc) and I just added my Glitch curation project I have had for a few years.

Not vary interested in the artists currently listed here but it might be a cool place for folks here to list their accounts to get a little exposure. Its indeed a bit hard to find eachother in the fediverse now so its cool to see people trying to tackle this problem from different angles.



sounds like a cool idea - seems like the link is broken now tho ?

It may have been moved to fedisearch.xyz and then possibly discontinued. I’m not optimistic about it after seeing how this other project by the same person has been designed.

One of the people behind a similar project (Trunk for the Fediverse) had told me he was available to create a “Video art” list. However they require 5-6 active users to create such a list. @cyberboy666 @palomakop and @Kandid have already given me their OK so if you (@wakest) and another user (@andrei_jay? hintt?) are also OK with this I’ll contact the Trunk admins and ask for us to be included.


Yeah sorry after I posted about that here the project seemed to sort of fall apart. I would like to invite more folks to come use the Mastodon instance me and @palomakop set up at https://autonomous.zone, if anyone sees this and wants to check out the fediverse more please feel free to reply and I will send you an invite to our instance. We already have a number of scanlines folks over there but I feel like we need another 5 or 10 people to be active to make it feel like a community.


small angry update:

since our last post we kept being active on Mastodon, we posted more than 1,000 times (often time-consuming, long informative posts, usually including pictures with a written description) and we established and nurtured new relationships with strangers.

too bad we just got fucked over by the DIY, decentralized, autonomous nature of Mastodon as the small instance we had joined will soon shut down.

you can export your data and migrate your content? yes.
do we fucking care, since all the effort put into posting is gone? nope.


…i heard about the Fediverse/mastodon only recently and took this thread as a push to finally apply for an account in one of the servers (just a few minutes ago)…

…the first thing i notice in my account-settings there is the possibility to automatically move ones account to another instance - shouldn’t this be a solutions to your problem and preserve all your past posts?..

sorry to hear @pixelflowers, i actually saw your posts about it on mastodon earlier. it makes me sad because i enjoyed your posts, will miss them for sure.

on a lighter note, i recently moved to a different server (did not feel the need to migrate my posts or followers, but i did put a forwarding notice on my old profile) and also have been on there a bunch lately, and have been having a pretty good experience, here is my new link: http://merveilles.town/@palomakop

the server i’m on is running a fork called “hometown” and there are a lot of people on the instance doing interesting projects. in fact, every time i log into instagram now i notice the ads so much more, since they aren’t there on mastodon. i wish i could stop using instagram entirely as i have with facebook but it’s where local people will hear about my shows and such, so i at least still will log in occasionally to post for now. and begrudgingly look at ads and let them scrape all my device identifiers and whatever.

of course, while mastodon feels better to use for me, it’s still social media, so i try to be cautious about how much time i spend there, perhaps 15 mins a day or so.

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warning: angry tones below

no, it’s not.

that’s just bad, misleading wording, both in the official documentation and in the proselytizing community discourse. Check this comment written by someone who knows more than I do.

the alluring expressions “moving to another instance” only means that you can move followers.
yes, you can “get a copy of your posts”, that is you download a Gbytes-sized ZIP file with your pictures spread into an hellish 10-folders hierarchy + some perfectly-standard-compliant JSON file that you can open “with any activitypub json compatible software application”, in other words completely useless stuff.

this is the Pixelflowers profile on the new instance we migrated to - the followers are there: the posts are not, and the will to relaunch the account neither:

the real import-my-posts-after-migration feature has been requested for years:

I’ve long wanted to join merveilles.town –– any chance you can you send me an invite?