A circuit for midi control of panasonic video mixers

It has this input. Check pag.17 of the manual.

However, your mixer can already be controlled by an external computer by using that input + the old MX-Navi software (again, check the manual). As a total noob and unless you want to get into soldering, I think I’d rather recommend that approach (what do you think @cyberboy666 ?)

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I am pretty adept at soldering, just noob to video, and would love to sequence the mx70 with my euro, are there any of these kits available ?

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This is so cool! Would love to have this for my MX-30
It’s not in stock on your site, is there any info on when it will be available again?

Also, I couldn’t seem to find details on the github for what midi corresponds to what functions on a given mixer… is this written up somewhere?


sorry iv been a bit quite on this thread lol. i have been making lots of progress on this project and working hard towards opening a shop to distribute this and other circuits - it always takes much longer than you think tho eh. but almost ready.

unfortunately the mx20 doesnt have rs232 control :frowning: it only has rs422 which is a different protocol that requires a different circuit design to send from arduino. it would be nice to release a rs422 version of transcribe or an extension board or a larger formfactor version that can do both (not sure which of these options is best ??) since all the midi input part is the same circuit… but ya not possible with the current design. (let me know any other devices you would want to control with rs422 since this is the only one iv found so far)

yeah - this project is for a ‘stand alone / hardware’ control option that doesnt need a computer… all of these mixers can also be controlled from a computer - you just need to buy a usb-to-rs232 dongle and send serial commands from here. (theres prebuilt max patches , or you can find/write code apps to trigger them etc)

the shop hasnt launched yet. i was hoping to launch it in feb., and then pushed it to april. now prob wont be until august unfortunately due to other life things gettting in the way. :frowning:

you have to write the mapping you want yourself in the arduino code - i cant know what kind of controller you will use or what device you are controlling or how you want it mapped. but there are templates in the code and detailed descriptions on how to write the mappings in the docs + i will make a video tuturial showing this at some point also

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not to pry too much but just curious if this will be available (including the other items on the shop) sometime soon? This looks so sick and I have so many different ways I could use this live

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hey @cata ! thanks for the interest in this project - im curious what you would be most excited using a transcibe with ?

everything in the shop is (mostly) ready to sell but im on the road for a couple months stil so at this stage my plan is to launch offically around ~ late august

if u just want a pcb it might be possible to get one to you sooner. but not 100% sure at this stage

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that would be cool if possible but if not i totally understand.

Right now I’ve got an old panasonic wj-mx30 that i think would be fun to integrate with transcribe. I haven’t quite exactly figured out how or what I would use for the midi side of things but the open possibilities of it seem very exciting

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Let me know if you figure something out!
I’m currently looking for software that would allow me to handle the midi events in a non-music centric way so that I can create “scenes” for the mixer
some sort of block editor work be cool
Ableton or puredata/max might work…