A mirror in the feedback loop

This winter i worked with an additional mirror in the camera - monitor - feedback loop. The camera is aligned so that it looks into the mirror from a flat angle. The monitor can be seen in the mirror. The camera also looks directly into the lower part of the monitor. There are objects on the mirror. The monitor does not show the camera image one-to-one, but in a distorted form.


Here is the setup: A mirror tile lies horizontally in front of the monitor. Small objects are placed on it. I often use small colored glasses. The USB camera is aligned so that it looks into the mirror and also captures part of the monitor directly.


The image on the monitor is created by manipulating the camera image (Fx, special effects). I create these effects with “analog Not analog”.
analog Not analog

I mostly use the sliders of a nanoKONTROL2 device to adjust the effects.


This workflow performs well for single shots. It is only suitable for recording films to a limited extent. If, for example, a special effect inverts the brightness, a strong flickering occurs. When filming, the feedback should be designed in such a way that it dampens fluctuations in brightness or color. But not every effect is a damping feedback. Positive feedback amplify the fluctuations.

Photographs can be taken at different points. For example, you can save the image from the USB camera or create a screenshot to emphasize only the special effect. Or you can use a second camera to photograph the scene.


Absolute beautiful use of physical objects… mirror & glass give me a good idea of what to incorporate next.

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