Disable Autoboot of Waaave Pool


is it possible to disable the autostart of a script in Waaave Pool.
Backround is, I want to use Waaave Pool without a keyboard. Instead of it, I want to use Buttons to stop and start the scripts.

Stopping a script works peretty fine if it was started manually. But or some reason, the Autostart script, cannot be stopped.

I am absolutly no python programmer, so the script is pretty nasty :slight_smile:
Maybe someone has an idea how to extend the script in a way to abort the start-script (what is the name), or, even better, how o disable the auto start

,# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import os
import time

# GPIO-Pin, an dem der Taster angeschlossen ist

# GPIO-Modus auf BCM setzen
# GPIO-Pin als Eingang festlegen und Pull-Up-Widerstand aktivieren
GPIO.setup(BUTTON_PIN, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)

def button_callback(channel):
    print("Button was pushed!")
    # Führe den Befehl aus, um den Prozess zu beenden

    os.system('pkill -f ARTIFICIAL_LIFE_4_5')
    print("ARTIFICIAL_LIFE_4_5 process terminated")

    os.system('pkill -f CHROMATIC_ABERRATION_4_5')
    print("CHROMATIC_ABERRATION process terminated")

    os.system('pkill -f CONVOLUTIONAL_CHAOS_0')
    print("CONVOLUTIONAL_CHAOS_0 process terminated")
    os.system('pkill -f GENERIC_GEOMETRY_UTILITY')
    print("GENERIC_GEOMETRY_UTILITY process terminated")

    os.system('pkill -f HELLO_WORD_0')
    print("HELLO_WORD_0 process terminated")

    os.system('pkill -f SPECTRAL_MESH_4_5')
    print("SPECTRAL_MESH_4_5 process terminated")
    os.system('pkill -f super_haeckel_adventures_64')
    print("super_haeckel_adventures_64 process terminated")

    os.system('pkill -f TEMPORAL_VORTEX_4_5')
    print("TEMPORAL_VORTEX_4_5 process terminated")

    os.system('pkill -f WAAAVE_POOL_4_5')
    print("WAAAVE_POOL_4_5 process terminated")

# Event erkennen, wenn der Button gedrückt wird (fallende Flanke)
GPIO.add_event_detect(BUTTON_PIN, GPIO.FALLING, callback=button_callback, bouncetime=200)

    # Hauptschleife laufen lassen
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("Script beendet")
    # GPIO-Einstellungen zurücksetzen

auto run scripts are in the bash.rc file,

sudo nano ~/.bashrc

to open, arrow keys to scroll down and edit which app auto runs
i think this is in one of my youtube videos on the vserpi 1.4 updates too

thank you