Edirol V4 - No signal from outputs

Hi there, anyone repaired an Edirol V4 before where the two main composite outputs don’t send any signal? Composite preview outs from the inputs, onscreen menu etc. working fine. Composite preview of output is black. Haven’t been able to test the s-video outs yet.

I see in the service manual that the composite in → preview out chain is a separate block from the output, which is… disheartening :slight_smile:

Anyone dealt w this before and have some recommendations about what to check first when I open it up?

i don’t know anything about the guts, but from my own panicked freakouts when i thought something was wrong with mine, have you made sure the output fade knob isn’t turned all the way to black? you have probably checked this, but just in case you haven’t!

Always start with a factory reset:

While holding down the EFFECTS-A [1 STROBE] and [4 MULTI] buttons, press the [POWER] switch to turn on the power of the V-4. The display will indicate “FAC,” and the Factory Preset operation will be executed. After the Factory Preset operation has been completed, the V-4 will start up.

Thanks! Had already tried both of these suggestions. Still suspecting theres an issue w the digital block because it also can’t generate a solid color screen or render the menu on the preview out when there’s no signal to the selected channel.

Found the issue… deep scratch across a bunch of traces on the digital processing board.

Thanks to whoever posted the service manual here a while back, this is beyond my skill to fix so I’m sending it back to the person I bought it from… but it was fun to figure out the problem.

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