External GPU any help for resolution?

Just wondering if an external gpu would help with resolution of Video Waaaves? I have an imac that will let me run an external GPU and just wondering if this would see real improvement? I’m stuck at SD but would like to reach up to 720 at 30fps.

yup, that would def do the trick. any way you can increase vram is whats up

Sorry, I’m not sure you would know, but since the eGPU would be running of TB3 it would have to operate over pcie 3.0. Would getting a pcie 4.0 card with 16gb vram perform better than an 8gb pcie 3.0 card in this arrangement? Or, would it simply bottleneck?

No 16gb options for AMD in pcie 3.0 other than the Radeon VII and at that point I should probably just build a dedicated PC. Hahaha!

No worries if you don’t have time to answer or the knowledge. Always appreciate ya!

Blockquote but since the eGPU would be running of TB3 it would have to operate over pcie 3.0. Would getting a pcie 4.0 card with 16gb vram perform better than an 8gb pcie 3.0 card in this arrangement? Or, would it simply bottleneck?

afaik, this has more to do with number & arrangement of pcie lanes to cpu + number of cores on cpu than anything else, tho it’s been a moment since i’ve put together any gaming/nn computers for anyone and haven’t had to do any serious research on this biz in like 4-5 years. all i can say for sure is if you have a computer that can only run VW at sd and are able to upgrade VRAM in any form, you will get better performance. i wouldn’t really get too in the weeds on this and err on the side of buying something cheaper, b/c the thing about graphics cards is you can always flip them and upgrade in a couple of months if yr not satisfied

Thanks so much! I really appreciate that.