Gravity Waaaves DIY instructions (and bug/thread)

Has anyone tried to get this to sync in any way? Seems like it should be possible to reference a sync pulse sent to a GPIO pin to set feedback time and maybe LFO rates? I’ve got it all up and running and I like it (great work, Andre!) but being able to sync with my other gear would be the bees knees. I’d be happy to make a contribution to help the coding along for this.

I literally have everything minus QMK keyboard and active DisplayPort->HDMI lying around. I’m going to have to give this a try. Honestly might prove more difficult getting all of my sources set up to test with than getting everything flashed!

Can someone point me to the pdf manual? I checked the site and GitHub and seem to be overlooking it everywhere.Thanks.

Other than the DIY instructions I am not aware of any pdf manual.

Thanks. I remember there was one with diagrams and a breakdown of menus and techniques. It was somewhere. I had it on my old computer but the hard drive failed and it was lost. I feel like it had squid pictures in it.

Link found on the original Kickstarter page


Sweet! Thank you.

updated this page

with a more obvious link to manual too


I Can’t get input 2 to work on GW. Any suggestions would help. I’ve tried different setups and sources. Input 1 comes up every time but nothing ever in input 2.

this is not enuf information to troubleshoot anything

So both inputs are detected.

But input 2 is a blank screen. I do notice this error pop up.

have you tried using a different usb video input?

Yes. I fixed it. The keyboard I was using was the issue. I don’t know why I just now thought of that.

power drain? is the best i can think of. using a powered usb hub to supplement using all the accessories can make a difference

Just a possible bug report for GW.

Issue (and steps to replicate):
MIDI control values jump to match controller values when navigating between menus and using MIDI controller.

  • Enable MIDI control on a particular menu
  • Change e.g. the first two values using the MIDI controller
  • Move to a different menu without first disabling MIDI control on the first menu
  • Enable MIDI control on this menu and adjust the first two values using MIDI controller
  • Navigate back to the first menu where MIDI control is still enabled
  • The first two values jump to match the MIDI controller which is now different from what they were set to previously

I’m assuming I’m not missing a step. I don’t remember reading that you needed to disable MIDI control on a menu before leaving it, but it’s possible it is user error if I’m not following the instuctions. I would have thought “MIDI latching” (soft takeover) would prevent this from occuring as described.

(Tested with Korg Nanokontrol 2)

kool, will look into this