How was your 2024?

How did it go for yalls? share here anything cool that you worked on, created, learned about, enjoyed in general!

some of my highlights:

  • i finished up this album and did a stream of the finished a/v stuffs!
  • did a pretty fun audio set for pk’s visuals at psychic garden in rochester
  • had a fun solo set in msp
  • had another fun guest ‘lecture’ for the TV club class at hamilton college
  • had an awesome time at video sync 2024 in champaign-urbana

looking forward to more of the same next year!


In 2024 I went all in on my analog visuals journey. I acquired most of my analog equipment (mostly LZX and Syntonie eurorack stuff) back in May, and since then I’ve been busy.

Here’s a few notable events that focus on visuals:

In August the Cyber Cafe exhibition opened at Site Gallery in Sheffield. The exhibition, broadly speaking, was about retro technology and the early internet. It featured an audiovisual improvisation by myself and Heavy Lifting, which we also did a performance of in September.

In October I did visuals for Yaw Evans at Machina Bristronica. I really enjoyed the performance and it was great to meet Cinema AV and Syntonie in person!

I’ve got some clips of this on my instagram.

Ended the year with a 20-minute performance at Tate Modern as part of the Electric Dreams exhibition (go see it!). I prerecorded the soundtrack (made using TidalCycles) and performed the visuals live.

In 2025 I’m hoping to do more live visuals at festivals, make music videos (for myself and others) and get back into my gallery-focused art practice. I also want to do more tutorials and writeups about my process. Right now I’m finally doing a follow-up to my databending in audacity tutorial from 2009!


looks dope! i’m might be travelling to the uk for a conference next year at some point, might just miss the tate show tho :confused:

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I finished a radio show based around hardware techno this year. I filmed one of the episodes which turned out pretty good:

Then I ended the year by making buying a new flight case and recording a few clips on how everything is set up, including one focused on how I used the Sleepy Circuits Hypno live:

And then lastly, I found this community yesterday, so that’s fun. Looking forward to expanding my visual setup in 2025.