New to Scanlines

Hi, I’m not sure if this is posted in the right place or not but I just discovered the Scanlines site and editing using physical media. I film on a sony VX-2100 and have been very much into the glitchy and distorted visuals of tape but had no idea about creating better effects using physical media. If anyone has any helpful information for someone just beginning that would be great. It would also be good for this to be used as a stepping point for other beginners like me who need help.

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I posted this on a separate beginner post but I think it’s relevant here:

I’d say start with your imagination. Are there things you envision that you would like to see done in reality? What are they?

Then write them down. How ever you keep notes. Maybe just a journal of ideas. I use a dry erase board.

Then ask on the forum or google it. You just have to ask yourself, “What do I want to make?” Or “Do I want to study other artists before I decide that?” Or “How would I layer 3 video sources?” That’s my current question

Most people here are self taught, you learn as you go.

A dirty mixer by Karl Klomp would be a great start. Here is one of my favorite YouTube videos by EVA LANDRY:

Here are some other inexpensive builds:

Lofi Future has a really great VGA Feedback loop instructions. Infinite feedback loops are really cool to me.

LoFi Future - Circuit Bent By Design

DIY tutorials & original designs for the creation of glitch / video art. Specialising in analog / digital video fx processors & VGA based standalone video synthesizers

Also, if you want to get a little deeper into VGA circuit bending, check out Jonas Bers CHA/V Video Synth – 1 Aug 16


…how to build a DIY video synthesizer on the cheap

Thanks to Karl Klomp/EVA LANDRY, Lofi Future and Jonas Bers for sharing this knowledge.