OpenFrameworks Waaave_Pool fuzziness

Hi, is there any way to run the openframeworks examples in a VSERPI image? I want to build a little gui app for my VSERPI apps, but have failed in modifying (copying and hacking) the “defaultVideoProcessingProject” or “emptyExample” projects and the openframeworks examples don’t compile either. Are there steps for this? Just being able to add (and use) ofxGui to an empty project would be enough at this stage. THANKS!

i think this is the most explicit thing i’ve posted around about modding and diying stuff my stuff on the pi

i think more folks in the discord could possibly help, theres a lot of midi modders out there.
also dunno if i’ve ever tried compiling ofxGui on the pi, i do know that ofxImGui works good and is also 1000 times more my favorite than the og ofxGui

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Cool, thanks Andrei. Just mentioning ofxImGui unlocked this for me :smiley: Got a little demo app up and running, no probs. Much appreciated!