Polyphase ama thingy on weds

this weds april 10 and next month may 8th, both at 3pm EDT i’ll be finishing up this season of my livestreamed ama series. you can send questions to contact@polyphasportal.xyz, or post some questions here if you’ve got topics you’d like to see a ramble about during one of those sessions.

i think after the may one i’ll be taking a little break from the amas to focus more on irl and online classes for the summer and maybe come back in the fall/winter again for another season? I’m curious if folks have any suggestions on how these might be arranged differently. time slots? different ways to submit questions? broadening the topics, or even shrinking the topics?

the overall goal here was that since i stopped ever responding to the vast majority of online communication i get (comments on social media, youtubes, discords, random dm accounts on all the things) because it was too much to deal with and primarily encouraging a one sided extractive parasocial relationship at a detriment to my mind and the overall functioning of my thumbs and wrist, that i would instead offer a scheduled time where i’ll just literally answer most anything folks ask. its very medium level a self promotion tool as well, tho in the grand scheme of ways i’ve found to promote myself on the internet i would classify this specific one as ‘negligible’. but it is also fairly entertaining and enjoyable for me, and requires very little work before or after the stream itself so i don’t have any pressing urge to stop entirely. as this is also happening out of a vague desire to help folks out in the community, i’m open to more ideas about changing things up

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