Power supply for Videonics titlemaker 2000

does anyone have a link to where i could order a power supply that would work with a videonics titlemaker NTSC got sold a working one from ebay but the selling sent me the wrong power supply i was apply to figure out it was working because the power supply from the Mx1 i have worked fine on it


What does the plug in the back look like?

Is is a barrel jack? Looks like this?


If so, this is the power adapter you are looking for:

Searching Ebay for “Videonics PWRS-0015-01” will show you a few replacements.

These are examples of what I would buy:

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Interestingly I had the same problem recently and it turned out the person that sold me the titlemaker was using a 12V power supply(!) that didn’t provide enough current, so it sort of evened itself out.

I’ll try to find what replacement I got in the end (I put the machine away for now) and post it here

To hijack the thread a bit: does anyone have a manual for the Titlemaker 2000?

I thought I’d figure out how to work it without, but even with a leftover project from a local tv station that was using it before I can’t figure out how to do anything except editing the one or two text boxes I have open…

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It is far from intuitive.

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Some good videos on it, a little more helpful: