Small simple processors that can do NTSC + PAL

Just need something with bright, contrast, saturation controls to put in a stage of my analog rig that uses both signals.

What are my options? Anything cheap and small? DIY kits?


your cheaper option would be something vintage . In my knowledge there are no cheap DIY kits that do this (because it is not so easy as it seems)

Syntonie has his “Stable” module, no DIY and not “cheap”, but very useful.

I also think most devices are either PAL or NTSC, so mixing both would be harder to achieve.
There might be some video mixers that can handle this. Edirol v4 or v8? You’ll have to read the manuals :slight_smile:

vintage gear examples:
Sony XV-c900 or 700
Archer video processor
Videonics VE01
Some video mixers have color correction.

Other options:
The Mainbow video synth has color changing options (DIY, reasonable cheap, but it is not small or for beginners in my opinion) But you do get a fully equiped modular video synth !


thanks so much for your input. i remember seeing the stable when it was announced a little while back and didn’t really pay attention to the fact it has its own processing stage.

unfortunately I’m really only in this game because of lucky vintage scores and making all my own glitch gear.

just wondering are you saying here that the vintage gear you listed can do both standards? or are you just giving examples of processors? i’ve seen some of those sonys floating around at a reasonable price but assumed they were region locked as they say 50hz on the back (i’m in PAL territory)

No, most vintage equipment is for PAL or NTSC. But maybe some mixers can do both. (but probably not at the same time. There might be some convertor or scaler to solve that.

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the SONYs are really good fun, grab one if you can, the phase, gamma, and. colour correction is well worth it, also some interesting simple contrast/colour keying, negative switch, border wipes. It does a lot. Also- silent with a big heatsink

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