Software video synthesis for an old laptop with Windows 7


Recently I started to have some interest in video synthesis, no input mixing video, feedback, etc. I also play with AI to generate images.

And I have an old laptop with Windows 7 and 4 GB of Ram. Do you know if there are some simple ways to do some video synth on Windows 7, some glitches, feedback, etc.? Some kind of old software to do It?

Recently I discovered

And I can do some things with It. But still, some animations run a bit slow.

I started a year ago to make some noises, no input mixing, etc. I have a project of electronic experimental noise called Paranoised, which you can check here:

And another one of grindcore, noisecore, etc. called Mierdaputa, which you can check here

Thanks, cheers,

One idea could be to look into making art with OBS - u can do feedback loops, basic glitches by misusing the built in effects + even add shaders for more…

Im not sure but its likely it will run ok on an old laptop. Adjusting down resolutions will help too

spout can probably be helpful too for doing feedback in any kind of program that allows for spout as an input. trying to find an old version of VVVV would probably be worth looking into as well!

Thanks a lot to you both for the answers. The last versión of OBS does not support Windows 7, so maybe I have to find an older release. Along the way, I discovered AVS, and Milkdrop. I think I will stick to Milkdrop, which btw, is also available on Google Play, for Android. Even with JavaScript it’s possible to do very impressive visualizations.

Some of the possibilities with the software I mention are similar to analog feedback video, glitches, etc.

I’m late to the party, but just in case anyone else is looking for software compatible with older releases, Pure Data apparently supports Win 7. I run it on Linux, so I can’t really speak to how well it runs on it. It is FOSS, though. So no real risk in trying it out.