The ffmpeg thread

Hi folks,

I thought this could be a good place to discuss tricks for working with ffmpeg. For those who haven’t heard of it, ffmpeg is a commandline program, a sort of swiss army knife to record, edit and convert audio-video files.



On a Mac, you can install it with homebrew: brew install ffmpeg.


Linux users can use your package manager and I’m guessing are all pros! Ubuntu-derived systems: sudo apt install ffmpeg


Windows folks, if you want to use it in the command prompt, here’s a tutorial. Alternatively, you can install it in Windows Subsystem for Linux: apt-get install ffmpeg

Snippets you can use in the command line

When I was first working in Linux or the mac’s command line years ago I had trouble deciphering these little snippets, so ask if you have questions, and if you have any other snippets or tips, share them here. Here’s some code snippets I use all of the time.

Convert one video format to another, simply. Here’s mp4 to avi

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi

Extract the sound from a video and save it as MP3:

ffmpeg -i {{video.mp4}} -vn {{sound}}.mp3

Combine numbered images (frame_1.jpg, frame_2.jpg, etc) into a video or GIF:

ffmpeg -i {{frame_%d.jpg}} -f image2 {{video.mpg|video.gif}}

Trim a video from a given start time mm:ss to an end time mm2:ss2 (omit the -to flag to trim till the end):

ffmpeg -ss {{mm:ss}} -to {{mm2:ss2}} -i {{video.mp4}} -codec copy {{output.mp4}}

Convert AVI video to MP4. AAC Audio @ 128kbit, h264 Video @ CRF 23:

ffmpeg -i {{input_video}}.avi -codec:audio aac -b:audio 128k -codec:video libx264 -crf 23 {{output_video}}.mp4

Capture live video from your facetime camera, stopping by entering Control-C

ffmpeg -f avfoundation -i "FaceTime" sampleFaceTime.mkv

Convert frames from a video or GIF into individual numbered images

ffmpeg -i {{video.mpg|video.gif}} {{frame_%d.png}}

Combine numbered images (frame_1.jpg, frame_2.jpg, etc) into a video or GIF

ffmpeg -i {{frame_%d.jpg}} -f image2 {{video.mpg|video.gif}}

Quickly extract a single frame from a video at time mm:ss and save it as a 128x128 resolution image

ffmpeg -ss {{mm:ss}} -i {{video.mp4}} -frames 1 -s {{128x128}} -f image2 {{image.png}}

Remux MKV video to MP4 without re-encoding audio or video streams

ffmpeg -i {{input_video}}.mkv -codec copy {{output_video}}.mp4

Convert MP4 video to VP9 codec. For the best quality, use a CRF value (recommended range 15-35) and -b:video MUST be 0

ffmpeg -i {{input_video}}.mp4 -codec:video libvpx-vp9 -crf {{30}} -b:video 0 -codec:audio libopus -vbr on -threads {{number_of_threads}} {{output_video}}.webm

Convert long and varied-color video clip to animated gif, resizing and reducing file size
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v] fps=12,scale=w=480:h=-1,split [a][b];[a] palettegen=stats_mode=single [p];[b][p] paletteuse=new=1" animation.gif

Reduce video file size using h265. Change crf value lower (perhaps between 18-30) for higher quality/larger file size
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec libx265 -crf 28 output.mp4

Upscale + pillarbox. No cropping, respects ratio, useful if converting PAL/NTSC to 1280x720
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf "scale=1280:720:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=1280:720:-1:-1:color=black" output.mkv

Alternative CLI software to make it easier: ffmfriend

@sarahghp’s ffmfriend is a commandline program that wraps around ffmpeg so you don’t have to look up some of the most common use-cases below.


You can install it by downloading and unzipping it. Then enter the root directory and run: npm install && npm link

Help info is available for ffmfriend by typing ffmfriend -h



Some more tips from tldr, the sane and simple commandline tool to help you figure out how to use programs/software.

 - Convert frames from a video or GIF into individual numbered images:
   ffmpeg -i {{video.mpg|video.gif}} {{frame_%d.png}}

 - Combine numbered images (frame_1.jpg, frame_2.jpg, etc) into a video or GIF:
   ffmpeg -i {{frame_%d.jpg}} -f image2 {{video.mpg|video.gif}}

 - Quickly extract a single frame from a video at time mm:ss and save it as a 128x128 resolution image:
   ffmpeg -ss {{mm:ss}} -i {{video.mp4}} -frames 1 -s {{128x128}} -f image2 {{image.png}}

 - Remux MKV video to MP4 without re-encoding audio or video streams:
   ffmpeg -i {{input_video}}.mkv -codec copy {{output_video}}.mp4

 - Convert MP4 video to VP9 codec. For the best quality, use a CRF value (recommended range 15-35) and -b:video MUST be 0:
   ffmpeg -i {{input_video}}.mp4 -codec:video libvpx-vp9 -crf {{30}} -b:video 0 -codec:audio libopus -vbr on -threads {{number_of_threads}} {{output_video}}.webm

ffmpeg is pretty sweet!
If you like the command prompt you might also like The Imagemagic Tool Kit.


thanks for doing this! I’ve gotten it installed but haven’t really done anything with it just yet

I’ve been wanting to put together a series of images into videos easily so this should be great

I’d love to see this as a wiki so the tips could be added to the OP continually (reorganized as necessary) and wouldn’t end up spread throughout the thread

I’m working from a mac

and wanted to preserve the alpha channel from a series of png images(from butterfly II animation 3ds)

sample of an image

replace “dinoboom” with whatever your pictures are called

first I CD into the folder containing the images

ffmpeg -i dinoboom%04d.png -vf palettegen palette.png


ffmpeg -framerate 10 -i dinoboom%04d.png -i palette.png -lavfi paletteuse=alpha_threshold=128 -gifflags -offsetting result.gif

which made


incredible! this is great.

by the way @respiratori i’m not sure how to turn this into a wiki on here. any ideas?

i just changed it to the wiki category. i think anyone can edit now :slight_smile:

1 Like

This is timely! I just wrote myself a small ffmpeg CLI wrapper because I got sick of remembering things: Sarah Groff Hennigh-Palermo / ffmfriend · GitLab

Please feel free to use / add to if you’d like.


This looks great!! Thanks

1 Like

I tried to edit the original post but wasn’t able to. Is there a trick? The pen/pencil tool just shows me the changes.

whoops - @lettuce can u edit it now ?


it wasn’t showing up for me before but is now. thank you!

yep, thanks! edited to make it more wiki-like!

I’ve been using ffmpeg to do some motion interpolation glitchy effects, which works best if you try and slow down a very short video (two frames in my case) to be verrrrry long.

Here’s a breakdown of the settings

ffmpeg -i input -filter:v "setpts=62.5*PTS,minterpolate='fps=25:mb_size=16:search_param=400:vsbmc=0:scd=none:mc_mode=aobmc:me_mode=bilat:me=umh'" output.mp4

Not the function’s intended use but may be useful for someone!


That’s a cool effect, hadn’t seen that use case before. Nice

haven’t tried this but looks wow


Thanks for putting this together @lettuce! :grinning:


wooo displacement maps! found via Crash-Stop: RED plus FFmpeg displacement.
example (the main source abstract.mkv and the output displaced.mkv are shown below):

ffmpeg -i abstract.mkv -i people.mkv -lavfi ‘[1]split[y],[0][y]displace’ displaced.mkv

2021-05-08-01-16-23-1.mkv-50fps-mint.mkv.mp4 displacement.mkv

in a live setting, one could set capture cards as inputs and route the ffmpeg output to ffplay…

ffmpeg -i /dev/video0 -i /dev/video2 -lavfi ‘[1]split[y],[0][y]displace’ -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p - | ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -s 720x576 -


Hey, this is a cool introduction and script collection for creative effects with ffmpeg.