V4-EX Touch Display Replacement?

Hey everyone,

I recently scored a V4-EX for a pretty good price. The only issue is that the touch display isn’t fully functional. It displays everything just fine, but the touch functionality isn’t working properly. It only recognizes the first touch after booting, and then it stops responding entirely.

While the touch panel isn’t critical for my use, it’s definitely handy for things like BPM settings.

Does anyone know if replacement touch displays are available somewhere? I tried Googling and mostly found some generic chinese panels on eBay, but I’m not sure if they’re compatible or reliable. Has anyone had experience fixing this or sourcing a replacement?


If you have not already tried -

Do a factory reset (if possible)

Open the case and reseat the cable to the touch panel. If there are more connectors between the touchpanel’s connected PCB and the mainboard, reseat these too.

…second for trying a factory-reset first: i bought a second hand V4-EX a few weeks ago too and it showed some peculiar behaviour - after a factory reset everything is now working as expected…

You mean like factory reset from the menu? Yeah I did that. Or is there some hardware reset somewhere?

Yes, the menu factory reset is first.

A hardware reset would be opening her up, unplugging the touchscreen PCB cables, and reseating them in the sockets.

This may work, I have had things working again from trying this.

I don’t know what your skill level is, it’s fairly easy, but you’d need to be very careful even with a lot of experience you always need to take care.

Okay, I’ll try that and report later. I have some fair bit of experience, but taking care is always important, thanks!

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You can manage it! I hope it resolves the issue. Maybe do a factory reset again after reseating the cables.

Hmmm, no luck with that. I’ve opened it up, checked all the buses and connections, nothing seems to be off. Still, the touchscreen works just for one touch, then doesn’t respond.

Ah, shame. Yeah you have to see if Roland would repair it I suppose?

I’ve written to their support, and they were very helpful, guiding me to perform touchscreen test in test mode. Unfortunately, the test revealed a faulty touchscreen. So I’ve written to an official Roland spare supplier in my country. We’ll see how it goes.

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Roland are generally great at support. Hope you get it sorted, at least you know what it is now. I’m sure spares are available and you could even install yourself.

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