Video sync: a little video art festival/conference thingy in champaign-urbana sept 6-7 2024

howdy all
I’m please to announce that a bunch of us video art peoples are organizing a DIY video art party in central il this september! we have an open call for folks interested in participating and a pretty minimal website with some info on what we’ve got planned so far

something in general to note for folks interested in getting involved: This is a community supported DIY style festival, meaning we don’t really have anything like funding or staff or whatever, we just have the resources that all of the artists participating are bringing to the table. there isn’t really going to be anything like comped housing/travel costs and there will be an expectation that most folks particating in events will also be down to help out in some way with organization, set up, tear down, and clean up too.


Lots of video artists will be at Knobcon three hours away on those dates. :pensive:

There’s something up with the Submission Form - I can’t answer anything, but I can change the questions & question types. . . I don’t think it’s published properly.

fixed now

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