Videofeedback research

Hello everyone,

For a school project, I am currently conducting research on videofeedback. For context, I am working on creating a comprehensive ‘Guide to Video Feedback’. I have already found quite a few sources online, but I aim to make my research as thorough as possible.

Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to reach out and ask if anyone happens to have obscure or lesser-known sources about video feedback. I’m looking for material that might be difficult to find or not readily available through mainstream channels.

Additionally, I would like to include a section in my guide about the history of video feedback. Unfortunately, the information I’ve found so far is quite limited, often lacking proper citations or ways to verify the content.

If anyone has tips, links, ideas, or any other useful information, it would be greatly appreciated! Anything that can posibly help my research is welcome.

Thank you all very much in advance for helping!

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check out the wiki i made for my online workshop, which was specifically focusing on making feedback with cameras. Video Feedback with Co... | polyphase wiki