Excellent job. Ah, the whole Q8/Q9 active low/high confusion. Q8 falls when Q9 rises. so either will work. Q8 to active low, or Q9 to active high. Whoops. Or do I have it off by one? If Q8 falls after 256, Q9 should rise. (I just read your line about Q9 not having anything on it. Hmm.) Sorry for the confusion.
Definitely different values for PAL and NTSC.The 4040 was just to get over closer so it’s not a one-shot trying to be stable enough all the way down the page. It turns out not to be “perfect” vertical blanking because the two field aren’t the same. I get crazier about this up at 1080i 'cuz it’s not uncommon to see all the way to the edge up there.
The fact that the CRT looks better than the LCD makes me think the LCD sync pickoff isn’t as “friendly.” My circuit soft-clamps the incoming video and uses it’s sync. It doesn’t clean up that sync at all.
About triggering your scope. You should be able to use signals from the circuit to trigger the scope. Maybe add test points on the board? (A case could be made for a “TV Trigger” circuit you’d use with the scope.)
Just and idea.
Don’t know how far you want to go with it, but a possible mod to the circuit would add some delay to the burst which would give shifts other than 180 degrees. Somebody mentioned that’d be good for feedback. I had an idea to use the other control pin of the 4051 for that. Then repeating the inputs (I’m not saying this very clearly) except suppling a delayed burst. I’d dig up some little inductors to help make the delay but just some resistor-capacitor combo should do.
Since the signal looks good on the CRT I’m not sure decoupling will help. (It never hurts!!) Have you looked at the +5 on the board? If it’s real quiet and clean decoupling won’t necessarily help.
One last question: Were you able to see the horizontal blanking well enough to set the H delays?
Thanks again for putting all this great work into my circuit.