Introduce yourself!

Hello, I’m mip. I live in the southern USA right now and I like to make music and break videos. Currently I split my time between building cheap analog video processing modules (like CHA/V and soon a lofifuture dirty mixer) and manipulating digital video compression algorithms. I’d love to continue to blur lines between analog and digital glitching. I hope to learn from others here about both!

Below is a sample video of mine using some custom FFmpeg scripting. If anyone else wants to nerd out on FFmpeg or video codecs, please don’t hesitate to reach out!


Hey I’m Patrick from Australia. I’m very interested in forward-looking moving picture and video art projects. Recently I stumbled across Paloma Kop’s incredible art, and from there found my way to this site which is another massive revelation for me. I don’t know anything, but would absolutely love to learn.



My name is Chris Hobbs and I run a monthly livestream for my netlabel Passed Recordings called Synaesthesia Sunday.

I collect atmospheric/ambient music from far and wide, then present it in a radio-show style format, with (pre-coded, but live) visuals created in Hydra.

I fell into it, really. I became aware of Hydra via Estuary when I was exploring online collaborative environments for electronic music.

You can have a look at some of the stuff I’m doing in this playlist, if you’d like! Lots of really cool artists involved already at this point!

The twitch account for the livestream is: Twitch
In case anyone is interested!

Looking forward to seeing what everyone is up to - seems like a fantastic community!



Hey all, I’m Paul. I’m based out of North WA and I‘ve been into video art and making things with friends since high school. I got into actual live video art last October or so when I picked up a Melted Electronics Strange Loop to use at house shows. Last winter I made it a project to modify its code and circuit a bit to add a rotary encoder and a scrolling 7 segment display to make it more functional for live settings. I also built a recurBoy a 4 input switcher/dirty mixer and an AVE mod and had a cheap but pretty effective setup. I later picked up a somewhat defective Videonics-MX1 off ebay and only recently got a WJ-AVE5, which has a much better TBC and is so much more responsive and usable as an instrument in a sense.

I joined here to trade knowledge and see what other people are making. Getting into this stuff has gotten me back into tinkering and learning new skills like coding and 3D printing and allowed me to stay engaged with the local diy music scene which has been really amazing. For the future I’m planning to keep tweaking my setup and skills for live visuals and some time soon I will be doing livestreamed VJ sets to some mixes of music and have talked with local videographers/musicians about reviving our short-lived live music streams but with visuals. Thanks for being here everyone :slight_smile:


Hey you beautiful people!

I am flo (aka acidgray) based in Wuppertal / Germany. I am in DAWless electronic music since 2013 (somewhere between IDM / Deep Techno) and jumped on the video train in April this year with an Erogenous Tones Structure. So many beautiful stuff I (re)-discovered since then: the beauty of CRTs and Hi8 / Video8 Camcorders :heart_eyes: for example.

I jumped on glitch art (ok - glitching and distorting videos - don’t know if that’s already “ART”) for a couple of weeks now and received my MEZKALIN V3 Synthwave today.

My goal? To melt my electronic music with visuals transporting the vibe of my music.

Thanks for being part of this community - I wish I would have found it earlier :heart:


Alo everyone my name is Paulo. From Mexico!
I’ve always been interested in audiovisuals but I never knew hot to get started.
I studied Audio engineering and architecture but I’ve always been so much into design.
With live Visuals I feel complete and fulfilled because I can apply all my knowledge into it!
As a kid I loved messing around with CRTs and magnets, vhs and opening old tech so that was my introduction to circuitbending.
I think we all have a weird and strong bond for nostalgia and I love how everyone digs a different aspect inside an old tv show or a old tv commercial or even a old video equipment like a VCR or a CRT.
So I started DNA_FilmProject with a visual presentation of colors, liquids and textures for my 3yo Daughter. Later that year I started doing gigs and expos with it.
DNA stands for Doing Nostalgic Art.
I’m still missing a lot of evidence and presence in social media and obviously a webpage but for now I can share with you my Instagram account and my [Youtube Channel]

Again, Its not a lot, but I’m happy for finding this page


bumping this thread to keep it on the first page!


Hello! I’m Ben from San Francisco… I’m a long time modular synth geek and new to video synthesis. I actually do computer graphics for a living (compositor at ILM) I used to think that I couldn’t possibly have fun doing video stuff because it would be like doing work, but I was wrong! It’s super awesome! My journey started when my artist neighbor was selling tons of stuff and this little Sony projector somehow became mine for free… I had bought the LZX Vidiot years prior, but never used it… I had an excuse! So I went to town on it and was hooked… Then I bought Lumen, which is friggen amazing!! fast forward to today I have bought some video mixers from EBay and a Mainbow and Mezkalin videoMaster from Etsy… and then I got the Erogenous Tones Structure, which is so amazing!!! I have been pumping out a lot of content for r/videosynthesis and r/glitchArt on Reddit and lurking here for knowledge… I’m happy to be here!


Hey, I’m Jozsef, I make stuff under the name Cursor to XYZ. I have been tinkering with audio/video since my early childhood. When my parents got their first digital camera I made multiple “movies” with my friends where I did the shooting, editing and everything else. I was also really into game engines, made tons of games with Klik&Play, Game Maker and FPS Engine. When I started learning computer science I switched to music as a hobby and have been mostly doing this ever since. Recently I rediscovered my love for video after attending a couple of workshops on analog video synthesis, TouchDesigner and Hydra. I have been lurking for some time now, but I recently traded a video mixer, got some cables, converters and hooked up one of my old Raspberry Pi’s. That’s where I’m at right now, in the long term I would like to explore a combination of audio synthesis, video synthesis, generative art and videography. Here is the video of me hooking up my video mixer for the first time:


Hi everyone. I’m Malanimous aka Silvio based in Florence Italy. I was introduced to the modular eurorack world in 2019, after years of listening to grindcore music, my ear was fascinated by the drones and noises that constitute the central part of the “malanimous” project, my sound ranges from distorted and heavy slow drones to detroit techno, trappish sound, distorted 808,ambient. Then in 2022 I fell in love with glitches and video synthesis, with Erogenous tones structures and distorted glitch video mixers I achieved my personal goal in life. I am pleased to share my knowledge with you, I hope that one day my passion will turn into a real job. Help me and take a look at my IG, any feedback is welcome.Thank you :alien: :green_heart: :rocket: