4th birthday showcase - open call for submissions

its coming up to that time again, when we celebrate the founding of this forum that was born 20th april 2020 ! ! :balloon: :balloon:

traditionally we celebrate this occasion with a showcase live_stream of av works created by this community - this year we will sharing the festivities with our sister site - student screening party spring 2024

so heres the brief:

  • please send me a short video (around 10 minutes or less) of something you have created in the last year - it could be anything, from a finished av piece to a recording talking about a process or project…
  • you can submit using this form . submissions will be open up until a day or so before.

the stream event will be scheduled for


it usually runs for a couple of hours depending on number of submissions - the past events have been really fun and wholesome so i hope many of you can join us this time !

ps hopfully we gonna be live-streaming from our own peertube instance


bump! submit to the screening it’s very fun :slight_smile:

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reminder that this is happening this weekend ! heres a poster made by @andrei_jay

please submit something for this if you wanna see these continue to happen - we’ve only had a couple of entries so far… would be nice to have a couple more!


excited for the stream!

please submit your video or AV works folks!!

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Ahhhhh, this always sneaks up on me! I’ll try to submit something tonight when I get home

thanks for the submissions everyone - we got a great programme lined up - starting in around 8 hours (4:20pm EDT) and running for a couple of hours - see you soon in the chat !

submissions are still open up until (and during?) run time for any last minute entries!


thanks so much for hanging out on the stream !

heres a recording for those who couldnt make it live: