Videonics Video Equalizer VE-1, psu build

I do think I meant 4 to C2 and 1 to C3 but I’ll open it again and confirm. Regarding the positive sides of the cap vs silk screening on the board, I don’t recall but will double check.

I just got another unit with a power supply. They are both working so I’ll post my findings soon.

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Here are my findings when measuring the PSU pins for DCV.

pin 5 ground against 4 meter’s red lead: +4.95 DVC
pin 3 ground against 2 meter’s red lead: +4.95 DVC
pin 3 ground against 1 meter’s red lead: -4.99 DVC

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thanks a lot for this!

i hate seeing working hardware being unusable due to power-supply rarity lol.

just so we are clear:
plug: male
jack: female

There is continuity between the two grounds at the unit’s jack and at the PSU’s plug.
There is no continuity between the 2 pins on the PSU’s plug that are outputting +5VDC (4 and 2) nor at the two jacks that receive +5VDC on the unit. Pin 2 is soldered to the board but there are no traces coming from it. It looks like pin 2 is not used. So there is only one +5DCV used to power the unit.

cyberboy666 I see you posted this on another thread but I would suggest you take that down since we are not done yet.


Reaching out to Reddit for help:

I’ve also come into possession of a VE-1 recently and am also hitting the wall as to what to do without a power supply. Are there any updates or anyway I can help in figuring out this power supply issue?

I am sure a competent electronic engineer or repair person could reverse engineer a PSU design with all of this info.

I am trying to learn KiCad so I can draw at least part of the schematic.

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If you draw up a design I’d love to see it. I’m still looking to build a psu for mine

Any KiCad users or people than can otherwise take a drawing and turn it into a schematic? KiCad looks too complicated for me. What I can do is poke around with a multimeter to follow leads and draw some of it out on paper, post photos, and then either get someone else to make a schematic or get the drawings to an engineer to help us understand what is going on.

If you have a unit you and would like to help you can do the same thing.

I have created a GitHub project. It is my first one so forgive me if I did not do it right. If you know what to do I’ll add you. Videonics VE1 Schematic and power supply build · GitHub

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i can hwlp with the kicad side @nsputnik :slight_smile:

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Join Github or if you are already on it send me your user name.

My username on github is cyberboy666 also. I will take a look when i get the chance

I started probing and drawing. It is a lot harder than I thought. Have to follow traces on both sides of the board.

I think one mystery is solved. One +5v pin seems to not connect to anything. Pin 2 is not used. So I think we might be done here. We just need a PSU that has +5 @ 600mA and and -5 volts at 500mA, 15 watts. Both 5 and 3 are ground and have continuity between each other on the board side and on the PSU side.

There are some reworks on the board in the form of cut traces and jumpers so I guess it is not that much of a surprise that they provided an extra +5 source that ended up not getting used.

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Anyone have luck identifying a compatible PSU? I just picked up on myself without a supply. I’ve done a bit of searching for mini 5 pin din PSUs, but have not seen anything that was obviously a fit. I have considered emailing one of the many eBay vendors with the specs to see if they can come up with something, but thought I’d drop in here first. Thanks!

I am also facing this issue. I’m thinking about pulling out the rare mini 5-pin din connector and replacing it with something more standard.

What would be a good standard connector for bipolar 5v power?

Maybe the 4-pin things I see on some cameras? What are these called?

You might be referring to 4-pin XLR power. The power supplies are not cheap and I don’t know anything about power conversion, input or output… if possible I would say changing the jack to a standard barrel power supply would make the most sense but with all the discussion above I don’t know if that would even be possible. More of an Electrical Engineer question.

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Just to follow up on this, I did find some 5-pin mini DIN connectors and they fit, so I am going to build a bipolar 5v power supply and use those connectors. Found everything on Amazon:


5v power supplies, configurable (I hope these work):


Someone just brought this thread to my attention.

Did yall figure this out? Been building this PSU since 2014. Want me to put the notes up?


Yes Please Do.

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