Videonics Video Equalizer VE-1, psu build

I can ship to the UK. I’m working on getting international shipping up on I’m in the US and I’m trying to find the most cost effective international shipping solutions so folks don’t either have to spend a fortune or wait for months to get their items.

Also waiting to hear back from @January who was sent a testing unit. Once I have their complete feedback, Bryce will go up on the site.

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Sweet, thanks I’ll keep an eye on this thread


I thought I had a VE-1 in storage with the 5 pin connector but when I dug it out I realized it was the VE-1 version that uses the barrel jack connector, so unfortunately, I will not be able to test it.

However, the build quality is extremely professional, this extends from the aluminum case to the hardware, but does not stop there. The hardwood caps are a nice artistic touch that accelerates this build beyond hobbyist to experienced hardware designer. This attention to design continues to even the tiniest details, including the well thought-out, graphicly impressive, clear to read instructions and the gorgeous laser engraved key chain that is included.

I actually considered purchasing another Videonics Video Equalizer with the 5 pin adapter, just so I could keep this beautiful power adapter in my gear box, but couldn’t justify the purchase of a 4th VE-1. Instead I shipped it back to BSOM in hopes of finding another volunteer who could actually test it and not just talk about it’s aesthetics.

Looking forward to seeing what happens with, it’s obvious @bsom is someone who is passionate about keeping older gear alive and I absolutely support it!


Thank you @January. I was quite bummed that you weren’t able to test the unit for me. But, life goes on. :slight_smile:

I’m trying to work out international shipping on, but it’s taking longer than I anticipated. I might open up USA orders now and work out international later so at least some folks can get their supplies now.

Also started designing another product now that Bryce is done. It has a more universal audience than the hyper-specific Bryce. A cute little generator unlike anything else I’ve seen done before…


very cool and nice work @bsom - let me know if you would like a category created on scanlines for your projects (the same way others like video waaaves , reverselandfill etc have here)

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@cyberboy666 That would be AWESOME! I have plans to design and ‘manufacture’ more things; most are just doodles on paper or piles of parts waiting to be tested at this point. Currently in parts selection mode for my next product, waiting for test housings and a few chips to arrive.

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I was able to test this on two VE-1; and it works great. TY BSOM and !


I have to apologize for the delays in getting Bryce up for sale. My ecommerce vendor is having issues with my account and I am not able to accept payments currently. As soon as this is resolved, Bryce will be available for sale.

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BRYCE IS FINALLY AVAILABLE! (Sorry, US customers only at this time)


Catching up with this thread. Great news! I just ordered one. Thank you @bsom!

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Thanks a ton. It’s going out in the mail today!

Just placed an order for one! Thanks so much!