Vidicon2020 x scanlines brainstorm

ok! so… i made some updates to the vidicon stream page. fixed the styling up a bit, added the chat embed, and a background, etc.

lmk what you think @edk ? i was thinking to make the bottom section with the chat split into two columns, with the chat on one side and maybe the schedule or something on the other side?

lastly, two things i was hoping @cyberboy666 could maybe help me figure out. the first is just a small tweak - the stream page that’s hosted on your github is a tiny bit taller than 100%, causing the iframe to be able to scroll a little, i think that should just be a small css tweak?

secondly, if you are logged in to the chat already, the embed should look fine, but if you try to load the channel page directly while not logged in ( it just gets stuck on the loading animation forever. however i did enable anonymous access to the chat, so theoretically anyone should be able to load the pages. (when logged out, i was able to load the homepage,, and navigate to the channel, but i could not load any channel page directly.) i’m not sure if this could be related to the custom login setup, but since i enabled anonymous read on the chat, the “join” button stops showing up on the embed here on the forum. hopefully you will have some insight, because i’m a bit stuck.

p.s. in the process of this, i set up the chat with a dark theme. it defaults to dark, but users can still toggle to a light mode using the little sun icon in the sidebar. i think it looks much better for the embed here on the forum too!


nice work @palomakop ! looks rad

just took a look at this now. yes it seems there was a bug in rocketchat for anonymous read in iframe. i updated to lasted version of rocketchat and seems to have fixed this problem (hope didnt break anything else in process)

also i just updated my stream page → adding overflow: hidden seemed to do the job.

only small thing:

this button is bit hard to read in darkmode → guess its just a css change somehwere ?

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yay ! it’s working ! thanks @cyberboy666 !! yes i should be able to make that button visible.

cool. yah. a few small points i noticed:

this error always pops up when you are not logged in… cant figure out how to stop it :thinking: prob doesnt matter

chat doesnt work incognito mode on chrome:

You are running a browser with no localStorage or userData support

(also some other errors in console from package-slitscan.js …)

final idea:

should we have scanlines logo/link (“powered by”) or something at bottom of the page ? :wink:

well… i just made the button a more visible color, and now just seeing this message.

re: the invalid user error, and other console errors (which are coming from the persona code), since they arent interfering with anything functioning … im just like, well, we never were pretending not to be hacky :slight_smile:

re: the chat not working in incognito mode in chrome … it’s working fine for me, so i’m not sure why it’s not working for you ! i tested firefox regular and private just to be safe.

and yes we should put a little shout out / link to scanlines at the bottom !


I was absolutely hoping for a scanlines shoutout / link to scanlines!

And WOW @palomakop this design is incredible. Really digging the morphing background the chat integration is great. We should be able to full screen the video and then open the Scanlines Chat on a second window right?

I’ve been a bit sidelined by the prevalent foreboding dread of the election and work, but seeing the support and comradery of our unified efforts for Vidicon has me really happy. Behind the scenes there has been a lot of support on the events too. Supremely grateful.

I think we are still going to have lots of “open decks” time at this event which should be fun. Lots of room for impromptu collaborative contribution!

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by second window do you mean opening this page in another browser window or something else ?

yes happy to see things coming together too

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Yes that’s what I meant!

yeah, i can add a button to pop out the chat !

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@autr how’s the Jitsi stuff going? Need any help testing things?

I have been asked for some larger group video conference type things, and we will probably need 10 streams for DIY workshops. Might have to use Zoom for those…

Tested some streaming tonight - we are running into latency issues sending streams to the scanlines server from Phoenix. No issues from streaming Central. Currently wondering how to get around this with a second restreaming server? For example of how weird this is, I can stream fine to Twitch at 6000mbps but streaming to Jake’s server or Scanlines stream server results in timeouts after about 60 seconds of streaming. Buffer runs out and it starts choking.

Really venting here. We will get it figured out. Worst comes we can capture the Twitch stream or something!

i could probably try to help troubleshoot tomorrow if needed, but you’d need to catch me up on the details of what you’re trying to do here. but i would suggest keeping your outgoing bitrate at about 2500kbps max.

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Quick update on Hydritsi…

Monday I refactored the codebase to decouple all the creative coding stuff from the sprawl of the main Jitsi Meet application (many recursive folders of React :woozy_face:). So the main tool now sits as a separate submodule hydritsi-core that interacts with a branch of the jitsi-meet (on which only the necessary changes are made for an events-bus of sorts). Much nicer to maintain and clean - and tonight adding in various example sketches and a save / load / export / import feature

I’ll try my hand at deploying to the cloud machine in a couple hours, so if anyone’s around in the chatroom 9 - 12pm CET (late morning for you PST / ET), it could be great to do some testing / pick some brains

Bis später!