Introduce yourself!

Right on @cskonopka, I was wondering when you’d make it here!

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Hello all
I am afalfl, Mamady diarra. musician, so I’ve been doing visual art with hydra recently. a bit of tidal cycles too. I heard about scanline so I’m here, I like the idea to share creative ideas on music, visuals, digital art.

see ya!


Hey yall! I’ve been a semi-lurker for a while now but I wanted to formally introduce myself because I am trying to get more active on here.

My name is Grant Bouvier, I am a sound and video artist and composer from Philly. I currently teach mostly music technology at the University of the Arts. I did a tool maker residency at Signal Culture in the Summer of 2019 and that really set me off into this wild world of video art. I am big into modular synths, DIY builds, circuit bending and modding, and just about anything else i can get my hands on or cook up with parts at home. While my background is strongly in the audio world I am diving deeper into video, thanks in part to this great forum.

If you want to get a taste of my work feel free to check me out on instagram (I’m @midi_lizard there too). Also you can check out my website too if youre interested


wow your instagram shows very evidently how you are both a great artist and an engineer, love it!!

Thank you so much, I am truly flattered! I am a big admirer of your work as well!

Yo! My name is Sam, you might have seen me around IG/FB if you use either of those trashy social media sites lol. I feel like I left it way too late to sign up here, but I’ve been following this site for a long time and enjoying content, just been busy with my day job (video editor/academic). Most of that time is spent as a university educator in practical application of film, screen and animation techniques, as well as general arts theory and histories. I grew up around screen production and have always loved using analog mixers, effects units, cameras etc. against their intended use.

I live in Brisbane Australia (lol) and find this type of art incredibly refreshing compared to “traditional production” of film/tv/screen content. Currently I mostly use video mixers to generate feedback, as well as glitch devices from lofi future (I like a lot of other creators of this type of gear too, it just gets expensive). I mostly post content on my Instagram, although I’d love to submit more content here or somewhere else that doesn’t compress video quite so heavily.

I don’t really have any stills I feel reflect my “style” (which is something I’m still trying to figure out), so here’s a still of the absurd mess of equipment I’m currently using (plus 2x lofi_future devices I can’t be bothered taking a new photo to include):

I do some music VJing, some glitchy rescans, some no-input abstraction using mixer feedback interaction. I’d like to learn more about technical aspects of these techniques, contribute to the wealth of knowledge online regarding mixers and similar equipment, and also just love seeing everyone’s work. I don’t know how to use this site sorry I don’t know if these posts will embed lol but I suppose I may as well include some of “my works”, which I’ll try to host here or on Vimeo in the future!!


Greetings and salutations, yall.
My name is Bricks and I go by the handle Anansi_sounds. I recently stumbled into this world a couple of months ago after learning that synthesizers weren’t just for video! I’ve seen a few builds as well as video projects online and that’s gotten me inspired to start creating my own. Looking forward to learning and interacting with everyone in such a chill virtual space.


Hi! My name is Gabriel/Fuzzy_Pause,

I’ve only recently started exploring video synthesis.My background is in more traditional filmmaking and animation, but the start of quarantine seemed like the perfect time to build a little LZX cadet system which is steadily growing - most recently joined by a little r_e_c_u_r build.

I’m still figuring out how to integrate all these techniques & tools into my film/video-making practice. Ultimately all of my explorations come from a desire to use moving pictures as a narrative medium, but synthesizing crazy, gloopy, colorful shapes is just so dang satisfying!

These days I work mostly as a commercial video editor and for better or worse my work - or at least my motivations - are steadily becoming more and more reactionary. A personal litmus test has become “could anyone mistake this for an ad?” And if yes, whatever I’m working on probably needs to be weirder/make the viewer more uncomfortable/demand more active participation from the audience, etc…

Anyway, here’s a recent “self portrait” that totally looks like it could be an ad.

I’ve been lurking here and absorbing for a few months now & this space is a wonderful resource, so big thank U everyone!


Best artvice I’ve heard all day.


Welcome - that self portrait is so fun and cute and well-made! Also thanks for sharing it under a free license allowing remixes :+1:


YOOOOOOOOOOO Welcome to the Party


Hi - my name is Florian. My work/dabbling with moving images crosses digital and analog (film) technology, is overally more influenced by DIY film (Maya Deren, Kurt Kren) than video art, but for the most part has a documentary character, since I ended up documenting my local DIY/art/music scene for more than ten years since nobody else did. Here are some recent videos:

(Slow Scan TV broadcast of a meme video, linked to a slow scan radio broadcast)

(digital/RAW video, part of Re:voir’s Fluxus program in 2020)

(8mm, commissioned by Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles)


hello monty ! ahem, i mean florian. :wink: welcome!

Hello! ^U^

My name is Clark Birmingham. I’m into:

  • vaporwave
  • 80s, 90s, & 2000s nostalgia
  • cyberpunk
  • retrofuturism
  • the internet
  • retro videogames (especially 90s and 2000s videogames)
  • memes
  • and analog stuff.

I came here in the hopes to get to know this community and see what I can do and/or learn from here. It looks pretty chill. Seems like a lotta people here are rather welcoming of each other’s interests about analog synthesis/visual analog stuff or whatevs, lol.

And I like that aspect of this community. Let’s hope I can get to meet and chat with some of y’all! ^U^

I was also interested in learning how to create analog audiovisual devices that can give me a sort of 80s VHS vibe (you can see how I got into vaporwave, perhaps, lololol). I like effects where you see a moving image just go all trippy and moving in delays and you just feel like, “WHOOOOOOOOOAAAAA DOOD SO FAAAAAAAAAR OOOOOOOUT!!!”.

You know, that kind of feeling, lol.

Idk, I just like experimenting with stuff like that and I’m hoping I can find a starting ground for it with some proper guidance, maybe. Idk.

Btw, Idk if I should mention this, but I’m a neuro-atypical. I have:

  • high-functioning autism (Asperger’s syndrome)
  • ADHD
  • and OCD.

I’ve dealt with mental illness all my life, but I don’t let that stop me from accomplishing my goals & dreams in life in the right way.

Do what makes you happy. Don’t let ANYONE stop you from being happy. Just…make sure it’s for the right reasons, lol you know?

Oh, and I’m a Christian, as well.

So, yeah. That’s about it. See ya.


Hi all,

My name is Tim, and online you can find me as CyborgJungle
I’m located in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam.

I have been visiting the Scanlines forum frequently in the last months and finally decided to create an account. What a nice and friendly community do you guys have on here!

I don’t have a background in music, arts or electrical engineering like many of you do seem te have. But I have always been interested in visual dreamy and surrealistic art.

I am a big fan of:

  • Cult films, posters, books
  • Analog synthesizers
  • Old a/v hardware
  • Classic/Cult Japanese pop-culture
  • The dreamy aesthetics of analog video

After messing around with Hydra and TouchDesigner, I fell into the rabbit hole of analog video art. Which I have been exploring ever since. My gear consists of multiple video mixers, circuit bend video enhancers and some DIY modules from Melted Dreams and Freedom Enterprise. I love the crunchy, dreamy, glitchy aesthetics of analog video and have been very surprised with all your awesome projects and art!

For most of my work, I like to modify and glitch obscure video clips, likes old Japanese TV shows, and capture stills of the results. Feel free to check out my work at

Here is some of my recent work:


hello all!
I have been lurking since this place started but haven’t took the plunge and said hi.

my name is Liaizon Wakest, I don’t really know how to describe myself. I have way to many interests to list here. I make stuff and break stuff. I was really focused on glitch art when I first met @palomakop many years ago but that hasn’t been a focus for a long time.

In recent years I have spent more and more of my time trying to understand and further the open source and free culture movements especially in the field of artists and creative folks. The main focus in recent years has been the fediverse (I am followable at and I have been devoting a significant amount of time doing “community infrastructure development” or something I am not sure how exactly best to describe it. Been really into filing bug reports and starting discussions in the liminal space between projects. I currently don’t have a good portfolio anywhere of my work but I have been making digital art for 25+ years (I am only 32 but have the urls to back up this statement).

Sadly the best place to get a feel for the sort of work I have done in the “video arts space” is on Giphy (ironic I know, as it is now owned by my arch nemisis Facebook.) but you may go here to see lots of old moving works, also my tumblr archive has a good amount of my “art postings”

One of these days I will make a usable portfolio to make this type of introduction a bit easier… Hope to discus the inner workings of cathode ray tubes and datamoshing with yall in the future!


Hey there!
I’m Moritz, live in Berlin/Germany and am part of here is no there there, a collective of people who make music and video stuff. We build some devices ourselves (easy stuff like audio delays, reverbs, small synths), but the focus is more on using whatever device we have to make sounds and pictures. We also host small events in some off locations here in Berlin.

There’s no central portfolio of our output yet, but we’ll set this up in the future as we are now beginning to form a diy label.

Looking forward to spending time here :slight_smile:


Hey team, I’m Jake and I’m a working musician living in Western Kentucky. I work as a double bassist, teacher, and audio engineer full time; one of those at least most of the time. In my downtime I build synths and dabble in all things electronic.

I’ve been delving into video over the past few months. I’ve always been interested in video, especially after seeing the LZX systems appear 4-5 years back, but there weren’t as many accessible sources of information prior to this forum; muffs is what it is, LZX forums focused on LZX gear which I don’t have, and everything else is/was an archaic mess.

Big thanks to everyone involved for compiling information in an accessible manner, excited to be here!


welcome new peoples! nice to meet you! happy bicycle day and glad you can join us just in time for our 1 year birthday <3


Hi Moritz!
I’m here in Berlin as well, u would love to be in touch and see if I can help with the label somehow. :slight_smile: