That is very cool.
If I can muse for a minute:
It seems to me that the best basic set of functions for a “midi video clip launcher” would be:
Launch/retrigger - forward/reverse speed - scale - height - width - x position - y position - rotation - flip vertical - flip horizontal - toggle loop on/off - start pos end pos - panic/clear clip attributes
For simplicity, one channel, no internal mixing. Static thumbnails on monitor would suffice. SD for feasibility.
CC#s 1-16 set to toggle (>63). They launch/retrigger clips 1-16. Last clip launched is now able to be manipulated with midi cc.
CC#17 - speed
-400% to -1% (0-63) 0% (64) 1% to 400 (65-127) *this is effectively forward/reverse, and 0 speed is effectively pause.*
CC#18 - scale controls height and width simultaneously
(0-127) 0 is a single pixel and 127 is blown up to many times its size.
CC#19 - height
CC#20 - width
(0-127) These two are the same idea as 18 but individually controllable. Can cause distortion
CC#20 - x position
CC#21 - y position
(0-127) these two are self-explanatory
CC#22 - loop/one-shot toggle
(0-63,64-127) self-explanatory
CC#23 - start position
(0-127) 0 is the normal start position. 127 is the last frame.
CC#24 - end position
(0-127) same concept. 23 and 24 could potentially interact poorly but it doesn’t matter, the operator should avoid doing that.
CC#25 - flip horizontal
(0-63 normal, 64-127 upside down)
CC#26 - flip horizontal
(0-63 normal, 64-127 mirror)
CC#27 - rotation
(0-127) rotate it
CC#25 - Panic/clear clip attributes
(>63) reverts clip back to imported condition.
CC#26 - bank select
PC#s - preset ie a specific clip with multiple attributes applied
And the last core function would be tiling. That strikes me as being way too complex to implement! Not that any of this sounds remotely easy. But that feature seems pipe-dreamy. But an lfo automating cc#20 (x position) would be 100x cooler with tiling.
A host of other options from brightness to keying would be sweet of course. But this would be a single, reliable, stripped down piece of gear that I would use every day.
I’m not posting this with expectations of it being made of course. I enjoy the mental exercise of thinking about what a “lean” yet effective device could look like.