Post some video link/embeds of your stuff here!

Nice! Kudos for posting via the scanlines peertube!

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Here’s first music video I made with help of my friends for friends.


Had a good photoshoot today!


I’ve only recently gotten into video art, but here’s a collection of some of my work thus far.

WAVES - capturing an observation I made after finding my Trinitron. I would love to adapt this into a larger installation piece sometime in the future.

Below are just some assorted visuals that I’ve come up with by playing with camera feedback loops and a dirty mixer. I have more plans for actual works in the future, but it’s been a lot of fun just playing with light and feedback!


My newest visual I edited using footage by Norman McLaren. A couple of runs through The Pyschenizer until I found a particular effect I wanted.


Recently I finally figured out how to get ffmpegs edge detection filters like sobel and prewitt to work correctly. If you use them normally, they’ll tend to turn everything green… must be something about the planes it’s operating on in yuv modes? This can be fixed by setting the format to rgb, using sobel, then scaling. The scaling can be to the resolution it already was at, it just seems to be isolate later colorspace transformation back to yuv

Confused? So am I :smiley_cat:, but here’s the filters for this video
-vf eq=contrast=10,hue=s=10,format=rgb24,sobel,crop=w=1440:h=1080,scale=1440x1080,dilation,boxblur,vignette,format=yuv420p


Hey hi!

EDIT: Taking a break from streaming to focus on school right now.

I’ve been streaming live on Sundays, practicing mostly.

Earlier this morning I launched my 24 hour stream!

It’s just prerecorded video, but now when someone asks me about the stream they can watch something no mater what time they tune.

Fingers crossed the internet doesn’t go out!



We Pixelflowers are back to making live visuals in our natural habitat, that is techno basements and dancefloors. Here’s a moment from the latest Interzone party:

And here are some examples of the signal flow we’ve been recently playing a lot with (resolume > sound-reactive glitch/fx > CRT TV > camcorder rescan > Edirol V8 fx):

(does this video play smoothly for you?? if not please reply and watch it here


Great video, it did indeed stutter while buffering a few times

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…the first video does not play at all (iPad/Safari), the second is playing fine…

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…uhm? - following the provided link the (second) video is stuttering heavily…

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we’ve been playing with some AI stuff lately

this one uses audio from the RPG we made and have been leading with our after school group for the past several years. We have hours and hours of recordings

this one is using a text based AI painting interface

I’ve got some fun things planned for post processing on these.


Recently did a silent set with the Fairlight for algorave’s 10th birthday, and I was very pleased how it came out.


passed another threshold recently…
now there are just over 500 sessions of LATE NIGHT NOIZ FOR LATE NIGHT FIENDS on my YouTube channel. Please subscribe if you like noizscapes. :stuck_out_tongue:
for other noiz info visit:

here’s the ever growing playlist…


ooh yes this is look particularly good!

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here is a new talk/lecture/performance art/incoherent ramble i just posted up on the internet tubes. If you think this audio is hard to understand just imagine if i spent the whole thing doing my impersonation of the turkey hunter from vernon, florida


Introducing my new artistic endeavour ‘Luma Industries’. A new working collaboration with sonic artist Paul Mazzitelli.

42, 64 second generative audio phrases drive three layers of audio reactive generative visual which are randomly triggered to create an ever evolving sonic and visual installation.

HD teaser of LUMA (42) now online for your viewing pleasure.

Turn off the lights. Turn up the volume. Hit fullscreen.

Custom aluminium projection structure with GarageCube LED battens and two 6 watt RGB lasers (driven by MadMapper 5 and MadLaser). Content by Resolume.


Dawwww. Facebook cares about me and the memories I share enough to corrupt my corrupted video :heartpulse:


Vidiot and circuit-bent Archer enhancer into waaaves