Post some video link/embeds of your stuff here!

Recently did a silent set with the Fairlight for algorave’s 10th birthday, and I was very pleased how it came out.


passed another threshold recently…
now there are just over 500 sessions of LATE NIGHT NOIZ FOR LATE NIGHT FIENDS on my YouTube channel. Please subscribe if you like noizscapes. :stuck_out_tongue:
for other noiz info visit:

here’s the ever growing playlist…


ooh yes this is look particularly good!

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here is a new talk/lecture/performance art/incoherent ramble i just posted up on the internet tubes. If you think this audio is hard to understand just imagine if i spent the whole thing doing my impersonation of the turkey hunter from vernon, florida


Introducing my new artistic endeavour ‘Luma Industries’. A new working collaboration with sonic artist Paul Mazzitelli.

42, 64 second generative audio phrases drive three layers of audio reactive generative visual which are randomly triggered to create an ever evolving sonic and visual installation.

HD teaser of LUMA (42) now online for your viewing pleasure.

Turn off the lights. Turn up the volume. Hit fullscreen.

Custom aluminium projection structure with GarageCube LED battens and two 6 watt RGB lasers (driven by MadMapper 5 and MadLaser). Content by Resolume.


Dawwww. Facebook cares about me and the memories I share enough to corrupt my corrupted video :heartpulse:


Vidiot and circuit-bent Archer enhancer into waaaves


My latest. A quick and dirty glitched up video I put together for a bit of music I made.

I used an ACT video processor that I circuit bent, along with a Mezkalin Synthwave Killer, and an Edirol v4 for mixing.


…Roland P-10 via Panasonic WJ-MX30 into Spectral Mesh:


Audio-visual mix that was submission for ENTER THE VOID 2.0 stream

Lotsa camera feedback inside.

I was told it has Kenneth Anger and occult vibes, and not gonna lie, that’s what we were aiming for when making this.

All visuals made by MOONSPEED and music by Lotus Reaction

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Audio is from a benjolin and two tracks of guitar pedal feedback loops with a touch plate for rhythms. I like feedback audio with feedback video. The benjolin is also throwing CV to my Vidiot, which is seeding the feedback.


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I found this desert road trip home movie on the internet archive. I composed the song in bitwig studio, leaning heavily on arturia pigments. I cut and edited the video to transition scenes on beats (total pain in the ass). Then i made a preset in bitwig to control every parameter on the roland V8. I used the various modulators and automation lanes to control the V8 while the song and video played. Ive put togeter a VSERPI preset too, so im hoping to make more videos this way. If anyone uses bitwig id be happy to share the controller presets.


Finally finished a music video I’ve been working on for a while.

I started this deep in lockdown & we couldn’t do any in person stuff, so I had the band record some phone footage of singing/playing to the track. The video synth-y bits were done on my little cadet-plus-some-other-stuff system and all captured directly into my computer. The UI bits were drawn on paper and scanned. I edited the synth & live action parts in premiere and then animated the UI around it in after effects.

I rescanned it off of a little 9" sony PVM CRT and used the Syntonie CBV001 and 002 to do the glitchy bits at the end. I filmed the screen through a haze filter both for the bloomy highlights and to help deal with the moire, which kinda worked.

Doing the UI on paper with a brush pen was a good way to make the whole thing take way longer - Mostly because trying to change or add UI elements later was way more difficult. But I kinda liked the idea of a computer UI being subject to so many rounds of unnecessary generation loss.


My latest work… a combination of a circuit bent Sima Pro that I put together (and have since sold), a Mezkalin Synthwaver, and PhotoMosh.

It’s a music video for a track I made on the Dirtywave M8.


Some home experiments with what feels like a solid live setup for me at this early stage…strange loop playing some clips into syntonie cvb001, blended with structure, all through v4. Would love feedback on how to make structure work a bit more narratively or fluidly over longer periods,as ive got repetitive clips going despite random cv input.

Love this forum and what everyone is up to out here!

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I’ve been making videos to this album and using my chroma corruptor hooked up to a VCR for all of them. This project is making me use different setups on the box, and combining that with my different editing style and content used gives the videos all a different style.

This project is going very well. Here soon I’m going to purchase a video enhancer and see if I can make my own video bender.


Just finished a music video I’ve been working on!


Made this video meditation : )

Black holes also chant Aum ^