This is a symptom of a larger problem I don't want to be a part of:

Yes, exactly this.

And, with all respect to @wednesdayayay, I think it makes focusing only on the pipeline — on kids — a little bit of a cop-out when talking about representation. Teaching the next generation is good and wonderful and valuable, but there are adult women here right now who struggle to get seen, included, and supported.

I also take part in live code, and while it is still a bit dude-heavy, there are significant women performers and toolmakers. That comes from a concerted effort to recruit women with workshops (often women-only); a real commitment from the men in the scene to promote women; and an informal leadership that is very vocal about this. And it’s still imperfect. A few years ago, for instance, a documentary about the scene just happened to include no women.

Anyways, thinking about this is a good first step, and nothing will fix it overnight. But explicitly supporting women; making information easy to access; and making spaces that are noisily welcoming make a lot of difference.


My intentions weren’t that an only kids approach was the goal. That is the work we are currently doing and I wanted to throw out that bit as something that is important as young female artists are also female artists. I do appreciate you pointing that out as it only approaching an issue in one way is not reasonable.

We have started a video synth study group to try and get more people talking about all kinds of things. Mostly dudes have shown up at this point. I’d love to talk about this kind of stuff on there :slight_smile: This is the kind of conversation I feel benefits from human to human interaction.


i dig the idea of hosting workshops specifically for women and non binary people. even just thinking about doing this feels like a breath of fresh air.

i dream of starting (or joining and helping with) some kind of irl community space (not sure yet what that will look like exactly or where)


one of the most toxically sexist environments i’ve ever worked in was at a sketchy laptop refurbishing company. most of the employees and the owners as well were just kind of locked into these patterns and it was incredibly difficult to get anyone to a point where they could recognize anything wrong with their actions. for a quick laundry list of the kind of talk that went on there we would have

  1. employees (and the owners) staring out the window and making comments on objective appearances of women walking down the street and how much they would enjoy having sex with them
  2. employees would sit and talk about movie stars and rate them in order of how much they would like to have sex with (or conversely how disgusting and how much they did not want to have sex with them)
  3. employees would refer to women as ‘redheads’, ‘blondes’, ‘bitches’, ‘cunts’, and like literally anything other than as fellow humans
  4. one employee (one who would regularly refer to random women as ‘bitches’ if they made him angry) once said something along the lines of 'women who can fix computers are marvelouslly special and wonderful creatures who we should treasure and respect above all others".

lots more than this but i feel like this kind of sums up the atmosphere.

at one point the owner was out on the floor and bemoaned “i dont understand why we can’t keep any female employees for more than a week or so here”. I responded by “im totally not surprised by that at all” and then listed off just a handful of the same shit i listed right above there. I said: “yalls treat women as tho they belong to a different species and are just basically objects and it seems like literally no one here has had a friendship with a woman other than that of someone you are related to or someone you want to fuck. Its incredibly alienating to be treated like your not a human 99 percent of the time, no one wants to be otherized and objectified in that way even 1 percent of the time.” No one really had much to say in response to this in the room itself, I just went and punched my time card and left the building after that. One of the other employees followed me out (an older man, they had worked as computer programmer for the navy in the 70s in punch card days and also had been invited to get a tour of Kowloon Walled City by one of their triad friends way back in the day) and was like “right on, thats the spirit. Women are special and it is our responsibility as men to protect them” and I just basically said nothing to that, smoked a cigarette and felt depressed.

The thing is, I didn’t hate anyone at that place (not to say i did not find it incredibly aggravating at times). These people were not monsters, they were not evil, they were just products of their society, and to an extreme degree fairly representational of how men in tech seem to think of women: as some overlapping venn diagram categories of ‘object’, ‘relation’, and/or ‘someone who i might want to fuck’. But never as ‘a fellow human who I can relate to’. This seems like a huge fucking tragedy for everyone involved. They literally could not befriend, have an open conversation with, or relate to 50 percent of the entire fucking world. Sexism hurts everyone in a society, while it more obviously and harshly harms women in our society it also turns men who are sexist into emotional cripples potentially filled with alternating lust and rage towards people who they have very little possiblity of ever being able to have honest communication with.

this was a mildly extreme situation but I’ve seen various versions of this behavior literally everywhere ive had interactions with in western society. It ends up being highly coached and more passive aggressive and loaded with code words and whatnot in supposedly more ‘liberal’ music/punk/DIY/creative tech zones but its very rarely not present in some form.

I don’t think this is a hopeless situation by any means and I’m sure its far better now than it was in like the 1950s or whatever but thats no reason to say “ok women can vote and go to college now sexism is done we won!” Its not pleasant or fun but there are some things that men can do that might be able to help slightly and most likely wont actively hurt anyone. One is to look at oneself and try to examine in what ways culture, media, and upbringing has led one into any kind of though processes, speech behaviors, and actions that reinforce instead of actively combat the idea that ‘men’ and ‘women’ are essentially seperate species and then doing whatever possible to eradicate them. The other is to figure out ways to communicate to people who speak and act in ways that reinforce sexism about just how hurtful and damaging their behavior is. I understand the urges to just shout “you are a fucking horrible monster” and then go and cancel them from ones social group but I don’t think this is necessarily the most productive approach at all times. (sometimes it definitely is though) I feel that anyone has the ability to change and overcome the negative conditioning that their society imposes upon them and it is important to try and give people an opportunity to change. No one is a monster just because of societal conditioning. But if someone is well aware of how societal conditioning has negatively affected them and the people they interact with and they refuse to make any effort to change then yeah they are kind of an asshole.

Because of some combination of a somewhat non standard upbringing that involved a definite lack of interaction with american media and value systems along with what seems to be a definite non standard brain wiring in terms of how emotional and social information gets processed I’ve never in my memories identified as being a man or as being masculine at all. Neither do i identify as a woman or as any bucketed gender construct, its more like I can abstractly understand why some people enjoy identifying as socially constructed genders but it seems to have very little relevance to how i behave and operate. Every time someone calls me ‘dude’, ‘man’, ‘bro’ etc its makes me cringe inside a bit and reinforces my constant low level alienation but i’m also like not exactly in the mood to lecture 1000 randos on instagram on a weekly basis either. I’m positive that this is only a tiny fraction of how frustrated people identified as women get with the kind of language that is tossed around without thinking.

I’m bringing up the ideas of genderized language and gender identities because of one tiny request I have for literally everyone who reads this: Please make an effort to remove all genderized langauge in your interactions with others. It reflects assumptions you have no business making, it reinforces negative stereotypes, it otherizes and exludes people, and i’m not exactly sure what the benefits are. People have pointed out to me that as trans folks they often would 100 percent prefer to have proper genderized langauge directed at them. My response is usually that "i would like to try to help decondition sexist thought from western society. I understand where you are coming from and this is a totally valid exception but it seems easier to have and make these kind of exceptions once the ground is levelled and people aren’t just by default projecting genders willy nilly all over the place. Starting from a default of ‘they/them’ feels more useful in the grand scheme than starting from the default of EVERYONE IS EITHER A HE OR A SHE AND THATS WHATS UP BRO’. but i’m open to discussion on this point if anyone is super pissed at what i’m saying!


Yes, I’ve seen you posting about it. I think it’s hard to get women to things they expect to be dude-fests, and you are carrying all the expectations women have about all the A/V meetups they’ve gone to. I wonder if specifically reaching out to women we know and maybe having them meet like 30m before the men join in would help get over the bump of not wanting to sign in and find out you are the only lady.

From live-code I’ve also learned that just being consistent through hills and valleys in terms of attendance can help too. You are doing good work, though, and I swear I’ll come some day. :laughing:

  1. I’m editing this thread by adding a “community” tag to it, so that it doesn’t get completely buried in the #offtopic category; please let me know if there’s any issue with this.

  2. I’ve been re-reading this earlier thread from last year. Just wanted to mention/link it because it’s related and it includes both ideas and problems:


definitely agree about tech, but it extends to film, the most toxic place I’ve worked was an equipment rental company, and tl:dr version, two weeks in i noticed all the white dudes worked upstairs/as managers, the women worked in accounting in a tiny room in the basement, and the two black guys drove the vans. Owned by a Long Island italian deadhead who voted for Trump. Honestly terrifying working there as a closeted transwoman! Thats where I copped my first mixer, so I assume a lot of dudebros came from environments like that to video synthesis. And you’re about DIY scenes, it’s the same shit but worded differently, the New Brunswick scene was especially bad about it :frowning:

@palomakop A nb/fem night would be amazing! I would definitely drag an art friend to it! But you have to keep in mind that someone 6ft tall with a beard and is built like a brick shithouse can be nb, i’ve seen a lot of places do the nb/girls night thing but the unsaid rule is "androgynous/AFAB only* which sucks :frowning:


i used to work at a seedy electronics repair shop. it was 2 men and me doing the repairs/refurbs, 2 very sketchy male owners who would mysteriously produce pallets of broken game consoles occasionally, one of the owners’ methed out sons who pretty much only repaired ipads, and occasionally, 1 woman who would come in part time and manage the ebay listings.

i have to say, considering the circumstances, i felt i was treated pretty respectfully. i had my own workstation which was the same size as everyone else’s (and similarly between piles of weird crap stacked to the ceiling). i’m not sure if the banter was different before i arrived, but i picked up the work fast, and people were pretty nice. i got the vibe that they were a little confused by me, but my performance and person were respected. i guess i’m just saying this because i appreciate that not all such workplaces are so bad. i did get street harassed a lot in the neighborhood the shop was in tho. but simple things like this, being treated as a fellow human by my colleagues even when they are mostly male in a very male oriented environment, have helped me on my way over the years. i’m not sure if i would have given up the field if i had run into more issues (it’s hard to imagine doing something other than the thing i do best), but it’s possible that i might have become more guarded and bitter, and assume worse of people.

and also btw i’m definitely not into assuming or gatekeeping gender identity based on appearances! especially as someone who is generally perceived as presenting as a gender that i don’t really identify with.


If you folks don’t feel comfortable to go to it because of that , im really sorry. As its on discord , you and other women could meet up earlier or at any time you wanted to on the discord (on that day or whenever). If you’re interested in the next one , don’t hesitate to message me or Paul and we can arrange something so you might feel more comfortable joining us. We would love more of the scanlines community to join us :slight_smile:

heres a great read, criting hetro socialization from a queer perspective. Its wonderful


And its ridiculous that this important thread is “off topic”…its absolutely necessary for everyone to strive for gender and racial parity

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Hey @YOVOZOL , I want to reply honestly to your post, and what follows may sound like a bit of a roast, but in addition to being gender-nonconforming (trans & non-binary), I spent alot of time thinking about your words, and want to raise some serious questions and hopeful conversation to the community at large as well as respond to this, so please don’t be too offended ^_^:

When I first read this (even before I checked your pronouns) I thought to myself “this is totally a ‘dude’ thing to complain about”. Lumped in like this? If you are male, then indeed your male-socialized conditioning will absolutely be present in the art that you create. How would you think otherwise? All of your browsing history, every click, every purchase with a bank card, is tracked and codified. But we know that. So I want to ask, if you don’t want your audience to be ‘male’, who DO you want your audience to be??? Is it because transness, queerness and femininity are trending this decade? Do you not want any men to look at your art? Do you not want transgender men to look at your art? Why was it necessary to mention the number of views you got? For compliments? And along the previous lines, what, exactly, about your art makes it conversational with contemporary gender issues? Since our attitudes and emotions are reflected in that which we create, and since tech defaults to male, you should expect that if your art or art writing or socialmedia+art does not explicitly engage with non-male gender topics, nor reflect that you actually ‘get it’ and are not perpetuating sexism, misogyny, transphobia, and homophobia, then your content will likely default to ‘male’ in the eyes of the random internet community. I would recommend diving deeper into examining your own gender biases &/or privilege as a starting point.


By the way ‘nb’ can stand for ‘non-black’ so we prefer to spell it phonetically, such as enbii or enbie or enby. Thanks for understanding.

can you add a #gendertopics (or something) tag to it?

It’s “off-topic” in the sense that it doesn’t directly relate to video-generating hardware or software, I don’t think “off-topic” is intended as a put-down.

Makes sense to me; tagged as “gender”.

General reminder: anyone can create new tags when creating a new topic, or when editing their own existing topics. Moderators can tag anyone’s topics (feel free to message me and suggest appropriate tags to other existing topics that don’t have any).

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im not sure i completely understand what you mean, but “culture jamming and maing collage and home movies with a punk sensibility” sounds very appropriate for this forum to me.

it is interesting this content vs aesthetic idea, - when i look at some of my older work it is a lot more focused on cutting between home-movie & weird vhs tapes / found footage. letting that content set the mood more i guess than the ‘effects’ or synthesis. (this is why i originally wanted a video sampler for my live sets) i just found some boxes of old tapes last week and was thinking about how should go back to making art like that again …

i dont really know what could happen here… if i wanted to upload (for example) the entirety of a new release hollywood movie… would prob do this unlisted on peertube …

… but for art / recut / fair-use i think it would be ok to put most things up on therr - its not super high ranking seo / traffic anyway (worse case is being threatened and having to take some things down i guesss ??)

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Hi @Veridical, welcome to Scanlines and thanks for sharing your experience! You probably have already noticed, but just in case: we have a Peertube instance at - you should feel free to upload there your videos. More details about our Peertube instance can be found here or in other threads tagged #peertube.

It’s unfortunate and surprising that your page got deleted! I really hope that was a glitch. We Pixelflowers also use and our feeling is that they’re somehow tolerant about copyright infringements, at least when those are part of a creative action…if you’re confident it was a glitch I’d suggest you to try again with them (even if you also upload to Peertube or somewhere else; redundancy is good).

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Hi @Veridical, I searched but couldn’t find any of your works (but I did learn a new word “Veridical” :slight_smile: ). I’m interested to see how it differs from what others post here from time to time. Are there any examples you’d be happy to point me to (obviously acknowledging that you’ve said you’re currently looking for a more permanent home for your works).

Also I expect it’s not quite what you’re looking for but the (rather small) community of video artists who stream live on Twitch seem to focus more on what they do rather than the technologies they use. But it tends to be more about living in the moment with live processing and manipulation rather than producing specific long-term artworks.

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i agree that this kind of electronic media art (that leans in on the mediums themselves) can get a bit caught up in the tech / tools side of things. i would like this forum to be a place to celebrate all sides of the creative process. if anyone has some suggestions on how to balance these things out here , or how to make artists from adjacent disciplines feel more comfortable we are really open to them.

that being said i also understand the desire to break away from what is there / build a platform that suits specific community needs. happy to help or give some insights on how this space was set up…

and i second @VisibleSignals - would love to see some of your work !

re some earlier work of mine, after some digging i found this video on youtube - on second thought it is still pretty aesthetic focused i guess… but you can see a bit usage of home movie / found footage / random vhs in ther atleast. this is one of the first video performances i ever did. feeling lil shy sharing it now. but i do quite like it still :blush: