Whats everyone working on these days?

Lovely! I’m mesmerized by the raster scan video (first I clicked on) thanks for sharing!

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…besides other things i am building another live-setup - or better yet: another block to add to my existing setup - or perhaps i am just playing around - not sure yet:


Just made this:


Is that all video synthesis gear?

here are a couple longer videos from the video synth. I’ve slowly been getting things set back up. I also finally got the TBC2…

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I’ll save @fairplay the effort: :wink:

…ooops - sorry! - i did not realize that there was a question to be answered by me…

…yes the case above is all about video synthesis - i am in the course of updating this setup again right now, as there are a couple of exciting new modules (Snow, Scanners, Blur, Fluxus Duo etc.) that have just arrived…i’ll update with another photo soon - and perhaps i’ll even find the time to write a sentence or two about it…

Made a YouTube playlist with a bunch of my Visuals if y’all feel like getting stimulated

Very cool. Yeah that looks a like purely synthesis stuff and am interested to see. I don’t really feel I saw much synthesis in the videos you’ve posted? Mostly clips and manipulation?

…correct - i am at the very beginning of my video-synthesis journey, actually started doing creative video stuff (apart from short-films, documentaries and livestreams) only last year…

Hey that is super cool. It’s just like when I see an audio synthesizer euro rack system — I just gotta see what it’s capable of! That looks like some serious horsepower.

I’ll happily be a viewer when you feel like sharing!

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My neighbor gave me a broken 55” flat screen TV. It had some burnt out LEDs. I replaced them but when I tried to put the LCD screen back I cracked it. Oh well, I guess I have 55” light table now.

A friend came over to work on visuals. He said he wanted to work on oil drop. I remembered a post on Scanlines about oil drop and I do have to say @LiquidLightLab is a godsend!! Such a great person! Thank you @palomakop for posting the info!

Currently I’ve been using the DIY light table to film oil drop sessions and using that footage to make a little music video for a friend. This is just a proof of concept, but I’m happy with the results so far!


That. Is. AWESOME!


I just did this video a couple of days ago. Just an experiment in editing to music. It utilized the Syntonie CBV001 and Premium Cable from BPMC. The song is heartrendering by Holy Other. (edited in final cut)


I love the astronaut and oil drop video. It looks incredible.

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The usual

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Still just music, although I do have all of the video gear out (but not hooked up). Hopefully I’ll get that done in the next month or two, the main thing right now is furniture: I have two small desks to hold everything but one is a foot taller than the other, so I’d have to stand to use the video mixers and sit for everything else. I don’t own a car and the good used furniture place around here is about 15 miles away, so replacing the short desk isn’t as simple as it should be. Buying something new and having it delivered is out of the question, since all the money I can spare (which isn’t very much) is going into utility gear for the basement studio now that I have space for it.

I’ve got a new album funished as of three weeks ago, but I’m not sure if it will end up online or not - I might do a secret cassette release, since a big part of it is deliberately using a lot of high-risk, uncleared samples. I mean, a LOT of them. So there’s a good chance the release is going to be me and a friend getting some cassettes manufactured (or maybe jsut dubing them ourselves) and putting a few up on Discogs or eBay every once in a while, maybe sending them to record dealers and shops directly, stuff like that. A 21st century version of how John Fahey (and Sun City Girls) self-released by anonymously sneaking private press albums into the bins at record stores and junk shops while nobody was looking. As long as IP laws keep being terrible we might as well make breaking them more fun than just uploading stuff and hoping you never get enough attention to be worth a lawsuit.

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this is the latest video to go into our long form video synth playlist.
just working on some quick and dirty mixes of the good stuff from recent recordings. Trying to work out different effect/compositing workflows. Playing with audio from our archive.
This is our new system that we just put together after selling a bunch of stuff.

one we get the TBC2 and ESG3 back we’ll be able to actually incorporate our LZX video stuff again. There is a lot of reprocessing going on as that was one of the latest things I’ve added to the system.

below is the full playlist. It looks like I accidentally uploaded one of these without the audio I’ll go in and fix that at some point.


Such creative and dare I say usable effects you have there. I think your work really stands out! I am impressed.

What kind of gear are you using to achieve these results?


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Finally getting the video rig set up again. I still need to make a frame for the rack stuff and work out quite a few other details befor eI can actually hook everything up, but the basic layout seems good so far.

It’s in the space behind the computer desk in my basement music studio. I had to take the back wall out a few months ago because the people who built it didn’t bother to plug the small leak in the corner near the circuit breakers, and the lower edge of the drywall got moldy. It will look less grimy in a few months when I build some acoustic panels to mount on those bare studs, but when you’re in the actual room it’s not bad at all - it was a grahic design studio before I moved in, and other than this corner you can hardly even tell it’s in a basement if you don’t look at the ceiling.